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For more than 3,000 years, ships were powered by sails.

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For more safety don't run away to a back alley or a dark secluded spot, run towards a brightly lit area where there are lots of people. 为更安全,不跑开了后巷或黑暗寻幽,冲向一个灯火通明的地方,有很多的人.
For more serious cases of insomnia, researchers are experimenting with light therapy and other ways to alter circadian cycles. 对严重的失眠症,医生正在研究采用光疗或其它方法改变病人的生物周期。
For more than 1,000 years, the palace had housed the remains of the finger bones of Sakyamuni and other valuable relics that enshrined these precious bones. 同时在地宫中发现了深藏千年之久的释迦牟尼指骨舍利和供养舍利的大批珍贵文物。
For more than 100 years, the community relied on correspondence with rabbis in Europe to sustain their religious traditions in the New World. 过了一百多年,这个社区依赖在欧洲的宗教领袖,向新世界传递宗教讯息。
For more than 3,000 years, ships were powered by sails. 在三千多年的时间里,船一直依靠帆获得动力。
For more than 40 years, American surgeo have treated small localized tumors of the kidney the same way:with nephrectomy, the removal of the entire kidney. 在超过40年的时间里,美国外科医生都用同样的办法——肾切除术,即完全切除整个肾,治疗那些已经发现的小的肾肿瘤。
For more than 40 years, American surgeons have treated small localized tumors of the kidney the same way:with nephrectomy, the removal of the entire kidney. 在超过40年的时间里,美国外科医生都用同样的办法——肾切除术,即完全切除整个肾,治疗那些已经发现的小的肾肿瘤。
For more than a century, the growing of sugarcane for production of raw sugar has underpinned the prosperity and economic stability of communities along Australia's sub-tropical east coast. 一个多世纪以来,用于制造原糖的甘蔗,其种植的扩张支撑着地处亚热带的澳大利亚东海岸经济的繁荣和稳定。
For more than a decade, Roberts has owned a handful of apartments on Gramercy Park, a gated garden that is the only private park in the city. 不过,这并不会让她在曼哈顿无家可归,十几年来,罗伯茨在纽约惟一的私人公园——葛兰姆西公园内拥有多处公寓。
For more than a decade, he has played an active role in world cotton activities and contributed a great deal to China cotton business, import and export. 近十多年来,陈先生积极活跃于世界棉业活动,对于中国棉花交易、进出口贡献卓著。

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