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Often a convert is zealous not through piety, but because of the novelty of his experience.

Often I have visited the New York Museum of Natural History to touch with my hands many of the objects there exhibited, but I have longed to see with my eyes the condensed history of the earth and its inhabitants displayed there—animals and the race of me 我经常到纽约自然历史博物馆去,用双手无数次地抚摸过那里陈列的展品,我多么渴望能用自己的眼睛看一看这浓缩的地球的历史,以及陈列在那里的地球上的居民——各种动物和以他们生活的天然环境为背景描绘的不同肤色的人种;以及早在人类出现以前就漫游在地球上的恐龙和柱牙象的巨大骨架,当时的人类靠自己矮小的身躯和发达的大脑征服了动物的王国;还有表现动物和人类进化过程的逼真画面,和人类用来为自己在这个星球上建造安全居处的工具,以及另外许许多多自然历史的其他方面的事物。
Often I would look for any excuse to stop in and see her—like buying a coffee that I couldn>t even drink but I would stop at my friend>s shops and drop off the coffee. 我常常找一个借口走进咖啡馆看她一眼,比如在并不想喝咖啡时买一杯咖啡,却在后来看望朋友时将这杯一口都没喝的咖啡落在朋友的店里。
Often I'll block in key facial poses along with the body motion, but in this case I decided to focus on one piece at a time. 通常我会同时做面部和身体的关键姿势,但这次我决定先集中精力干好一件事。
Often a client will connect, issue one command, receive the response from the server and disconnect. 一般的,客户端连接、发出一个请求,然后收到从服务器返回的消息。
Often a combination of the two is most effective. 通常将二者结合治疗效果更佳。
Often a convert is zealous not through piety, but because of the novelty of his experience. 改变信仰者之所以常常显得热情,并非出自虔诚,而是由于他的体验新鲜之故。
Often a layer of software on top of the operating system, called middleware, is responsible for implementing this model. 一般在操作系统上有一层软件,叫做中间件,是负责实现这个模式的。
Often a man is his own worst enemy. 一个人常常是他自己最坏的敌人.
Often a single sentence will suffice. You may want to include a summary of the method you will use. 通常一句就够。你可能会想涵盖所用实验方法的摘要。
Often allow your child to practice painting. This is a good way of having him become accustomed to expressing things he sees through drawing and help stimulate his brain development. 常让孩子练习画画,让孩子习惯将视觉感受到的东西以素描的方式表达,不论画得好或不好,都不失为一个刺激头脑发育的好方法。
Often and little eating makes a man fat. 少吃多餐,身强体胖。

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