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The hole was discovered by Riley Hassell of US security company eEye Digital Security. In his advisory, Hassell hints that there may be further problems with the UPnP service.

The hole is so narrow that we can only enter sideway. 洞口太窄了,我们只能侧着身子走进去。
The hole is too narrow, we has to side our body to walk into it. 洞口太窄了,我们只能侧着身子走进去。
The hole on the side of your cheek suggests that others can see straight through the core and truth of the stories you tell.? 你一侧脸上的洞证明别人可以通过你所说的故事的真理直接得出真谛。
The hole was covered (over) with canvas . 这个洞被帆布遮盖住了.
The hole was covered (over) with canvas. 这个洞被帆布遮盖住了.
The hole was discovered by Riley Hassell of US security company eEye Digital Security. In his advisory, Hassell hints that there may be further problems with the UPnP service. 其二是黑客可以让装有视窗的电脑超载,使该机功能失常,用反复输入类似定制网络信息的方法就可达此目的。
The hole was discovered by Riley Hassell of US security company eEye Digital Security. In his advisory, Hassell hints that there may be further problems with the UPnP service. 该缺陷是由美国eEye数字安全公司的RileyHassell发现的。在他的报告中,他暗示“通用即插即用”可能还有更多的问题。
The hole was so narrow that we could only edge in it. 洞口太窄了,我们只能侧着身子走进去。
The holed tanker was disgorging oil. 撞了个窟窿的油船正在喷油。
The holes are only borings, less than a foot in diameter. 这些洞只不过是一些钻孔,直径不到1英尺。
The holes of anchor bolts will be grouted with normal (Portland ,non-shrinkage) cement mortar. 这些地脚螺孔将灌入普通(波特兰,无收缩)水泥砂浆。

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