Mr Murdoch has pocketed one of the country's two best-respected newspapers.
默多克先生将美国最受尊敬的两家报纸之一收入囊中。 |
Mr Murdoch has, however, paid a high price for Dow Jones—at least $1 billion, and perhaps $2 billion, more than appears justified by the fundamentals of the business—so News Corporation's shareholders may come to regard his victory as pyrrhic.
不过,默多克先生为收购道琼斯支付了高价——比商业基本准则认为的合理价格至少高出10亿美元,或许是20亿美元——因此,新闻集团的股东们或许会将此视作代价惨重的胜利。 |
Mr Murdoch is a tabloid king who has a reputation for taking everything he buys downmarket.
默多克先生是小报之王,他让收购的所有业务迎合低级趣味的做法可是名声在外。 |
Mr Murdoch is one of the biggest beasts in the business jungle, constantly on the prowl for synergies and acquisitions.
默多克先生是商界巨鳄之一,他不断猎寻企业合并和收购行动。 |
Mr Murdoch's only real worry was that there might be a serious counterbid from the two firms with most to lose from his acquisition of Dow Jones: Pearson, which owns the Financial Times (and is part owner of The Economist), and General Electric (GE), whic
默多克先生唯一真正的担忧是,可能会出现两家因道琼斯并购案而损惨重的公司联手推出的难缠的反收购行动:《金融时报》的东家皮尔逊传媒集团(同时也是本刊的部分所有者)和掌控CNBC财经新闻频道的通用电气。 |
Mr Murdstone, David Copperfield's step father did David over for no reason at all.
默德斯通先生,也就是大卫·科波菲尔的继父,总是无缘无故地把大卫毒打一顿。 |
Mr Murtha argues that this stance helped the Democrats win.
默尔萨声称正是反伊战立场帮助民主党赢得了选举。 |
Mr Nakagawa, one of the few senior politicians around Mr Abe not to have visited China recently, is rather less effusive.
作为安倍身边少数几个近期没有访问过中国的高级政客之一,中川对中国则没有那么领情。 |
Mr Nano's own hopes of becoming president were dashed when he failed to win the backing of his successor as party leader, Edi Rama.
当接任纳诺担任社会党领袖的艾迪?拉马表示拒绝在选举中支持他时,纳诺的总统梦彻底破灭了。 |
Mr Nardelli reacted to criticism of his pay with defiance.
对那些批评他薪酬过高的言论,纳尔代利不屑一顾。 |
Mr Nath who unveiled the policy on Tuesday said New Delhi wanted to double India's share of world trade within five years.
纳特先生周二公布这项政策时表示,印度政府要在5年内将印度在世界贸易中的份额增加一倍。 |