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The employees of the firm practised economy in doing everything.

The employee's sincere thankful you of this store all the hotel of the patronage garden, and spare no effort to make you feel comfortable and pleased with all strength! 本店全体员工真诚感谢阁下惠顾花园大酒店,并竭尽全力让您感到舒适和愉快!
The employees advised a change of air conditioner. 雇员们建议换个空调。
The employees are demanding a six-hour day and a five-day week. 雇员要求每日工作六小时, 每周工作五天.
The employees are usually promoted or transferred on the basis of performance and merit rather than seniority. 员工通常是根据其工作表现和成绩提职或调任。
The employees demand that their salaries be raised. 员工们要求加薪。
The employees of the firm practised economy in doing everything. 该公司的雇员做任何事都厉行节约。
The employees resented the bosses' paternal attitude. 雇员们讨厌老板家长式的管理态度。
The employees say the gunmen destroyed equipment and accused the network of favoring the rival Fatah faction of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud A as. A Hamas okesman denied involvement. 他们说哈马斯枪手毁坏了电视台的设备,并指责电视台袒护哈马斯的对手--巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯的法塔赫派系。哈马斯发言人否认这起袭击跟该组织有关。
The employees say the gunmen destroyed equipment and accused the network of favoring the rival Fatah faction of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. A Hamas spokesman denied involvement. 他们说哈马斯枪手毁坏了电视台的设备,并指责电视台袒护哈马斯的对手--巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯的法塔赫派系。哈马斯发言人否认这起袭击跟该组织有关。
The employees would goof off whenever the boss wasn't around. 只要老板不在,雇员便偷懒。
The employer booted him out for being drunk at work. 他因为在工作时间喝醉了,老板便把他解雇了。

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