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The decimal 0.61 stands for 61 hundredths.

The deceased willed his vast estate to his daughters . 死者将自己大量的不动产遗赠给了他的女儿们。
The deceiver was put into prison. 那个骗子被关进监狱。
The dechex() function converts a decimal number to a hexadecimal number. 函数的作用是:将一个十进制数字转换为十六进制。
The deciding factors for whether a core collapse produces a GRB appear to be the mass and rotation rate of the progenitor star at the time of its death. 核心坍塌是否能产生GRB的关键因素,似乎在于原来恒星临终时的质量与转动速率。
The deciduate casting mould agent casting mould drawing of patterns agent adopt high grade material to compound but is accomplished, have volatilizing speed is quick , efficient, spread brush repetition usage many times , do not glue a model. 铸型脱模剂铸型脱模剂采用优质材料配制而成,具有挥发速度快、效率高,涂刷一次可重复使用多次,不粘模。
The decimal 0.61 stands for 61 hundredths. 小数0.61代表百分之六十一.
The decimal data type is used to specify a numeric value. 小数数据类型用于指定一个数值。
The decimal point may be represented, according to various conventions, by a comma, by a period, or by a point at the mid-height of the digits. 根据各种习惯,十进制小数点可用逗号、句号或在数字符的半高位置上加上一个点来表示。
The decision by Fellows of the college fell one vote short of the two-thirds majority needed to change the status quo. 该提议以一票之差而未获学院委员会三分之二通过,男学生仍旧被拒之门外。
The decision came a week after Lord Browne stepped down earlier than planned as chief executive of BP. 一周前,他已提前辞去英国石油首席执行官一职。
The decision closed the most lucrative region in a market worth US$15.5 billion this year in spendvalue -- the amount gambling companies win from their clients, or the amount gamblers lose. 美国的法案对网上博彩公司(几家最大均是英国公司,译者注)失去了年155亿美元的市场,这个数字是纯粹“进帐”,即博彩公司赚的钱,也就是玩家输的钱。

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