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General Jia Ruoyu inspected Yongxingcheng Brewage Co.,Ltd.and surveyed the production process of 5:1 sauce and Shaomin Mountain vinegar,gave high praise and wrote calligraphy with pleasure.

General Gan Zuchang had his individual and unique understanding of the intension which keeps the Communist's advancement, and kept his own consistent behavior orientation in practice. 将军农民甘祖昌,对于保持共产党员先进性的内涵有其个人独特的理解,并在实践行动上保持了自己一贯的行为取向。
General Georgi Koskov: The sniper was a woman. 科斯柯夫:狙击手是个女人。
General Ho, while in the United States, joined the Oxford Movement and talked knowingly of the need for democracy in China. 何应钦将军在美国时参加了道德重整运动,头头是道地大谈中国需要民主。
General Howard, who was Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau from 1865 until 1872, directed considerable resources to the university, including the original 3-acre campus, the Main Building, and the Old Medical School. 在1865年至1872年间担任自由民局局长的豪沃将军,曾指示给予这所学校可观的资源,包括学校最初的三英亩校地、学校的主建筑物,以及医学院等等。
General Howe had steered for Halifax, there to await the arrival of strong reinforcements. 郝将军已经驶往哈里法克斯,在那里等待强大援军到达。
General Jia Ruoyu inspected Yongxingcheng Brewage Co.,Ltd.and surveyed the production process of 5:1 sauce and Shaomin Mountain vinegar,gave high praise and wrote calligraphy with pleasure. 贾若瑜将军在合江县委领导及酿造厂工作人员的陪同下视察、参观“五比一”酱油、“少岷山”食醋的生产过程,给予了极高的评价,并欣然提词。
General John Abizaid will appear before the House and Senate Armed Services Committees to discuss the course of the war in Iraq. 阿比扎依德将军将就讨论伊拉克战争问题出席参众两院的武装力量委员会的听证会。
General Kan Ning begged Chou Yu to save Huang Kai, Huang Kai is our oldest general. 甘宁上前求情:“黄盖是东吴老将,请都督饶恕他这一次。”
General Li, in Peiping, cultivated the northern generals and also curried United States favor, adopting a liberal coloring and protecting intellectuals and students from Chiang's gendarmes. 李宗仁将军在北平联络了北方将领,同时为博得美国的欢心,摆出一副开明姿态,保护知识分子和学生免受蒋家宪兵的迫害。
General MacArthur attacked through New Guinea and into the Philippines. 麦克阿瑟将军通过新几内亚攻击和进入菲律宾。
General Manager Brian Cashman said Wang would stay behind in Tampa when the team breaks camp in a week. 总经理现金男说王建民当球队结束春训返回纽约时,仍然将继续留在坦帕。

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