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“And with such a weapon, I could defeat Ares.

“And we need a strong energy efficiency policy to be sure that there is a demand response to the high oil prices. Otherwise, prices will remain high. “此外,我们需要一个强有力的能源效率政策,确保高油价引发需求方面的反应。否则,油价将居高不下。”
“And what about Fisher? Where the hell is he? “费蛇耳咋样了?这孙子跑哪去了?”
“And what happens if I pull both the strings?”our curious shopper inquires. “那么如果我同时拉两根线,会怎么样?”这个好奇的家伙问道。
“And where did you lose them? “你在哪儿丢了?”
“And why do you think that is? “你认为这是什么原因?”
“And with such a weapon, I could defeat Ares. “有了这样的武器,我可以打败阿瑞斯。”
“And you're going home now, not knowing? “那么你就这样盲目地回家去?”
“Andorra were probably a similar standard to the Faroe Islands and the Scots had shown what can happen if you get at these teams right from the start. “安道尔和法罗群岛几乎是一个水平线上的队伍,苏格兰人已经向我们展示了如果你能在最开始就压着他们打的话会发生什么。”
“Andrew has certainly come out of his shell since he learned to swim and became a lifeguard. “自从安德鲁学会了游泳,成为救生员后,他的确不再羞怯了。”
“Another bowl for the little boy?” the landlady couldn't take it any longer. 「也送一碗给那男孩吧。」老板娘不忍心地说。
“Another contest,”said Robin,smiling. “What is your bet? “又是一场比赛,”罗宾笑着说,“你的赌注是什么?”

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