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12 shirt assembly line adopt Japanese computer design and make and iron with composing system and\JUKI\with automatic vapour thus equipment guarantee\Biqi\brand serial shirts in a complete set all Stability of quality.

12 bar blues started out as a combination of European popular songs, African rhythm and tonality which developed in cotton fields. 12小节布鲁斯的根源多处可循:欧洲流行乐,非洲节奏和棉花地里发展起来的劳动号子都逃不了干系。
12 function rooms, including a grand, pillar-less ballroom that can accommodate up to 500-people cocktail. Outdoor poolside patio suitable for al fresco events. 12间会议室,当中包括一个无柱位的豪华宴会厅,可举行500人鸡尾酒会。泳池平台可举行露天活动。
12 is an introduction to organic chemistry, focusing primarily on the basic principles to understand the structure and reactivity of organic molecules. 12为一门有机化学的介绍课程,主要集中于理解有机分子的结构和活性的基本理论。
12 is probably a practical limit. 12可能是实际应用的极限了。
12 mins - Henry grazes the outside off Jones\' right-hand post with a curling free-kick from 25 yards. 12分钟-亨利的弧线球从琼斯的右手门柱飞出。
12 shirt assembly line adopt Japanese computer design and make and iron with composing system and\JUKI\with automatic vapour thus equipment guarantee\Biqi\brand serial shirts in a complete set all Stability of quality. 详细信息:12条衬衫流水线全部采用日本电脑设计与排版系统和“JUKI”成套缝制与自动化汽烫设备从而确保了“比琦”牌系列衬衫质量的稳定性。
12 to 15 points: Your life moves at top speed. Feeling stressed? Consider slowing down a little. 15分;你的生活节奏处于巅峰状态。感到有压力?是否考虑减缓生活节奏。
12 weeks: Take him to the farm. 12周大:带他去农场。
12 years old: schools reopen, learning becomes an adventure. 18: able to go to America. 12岁的时候,学校重新开放,上学成为一种机遇。
12A man named Ananias came to see me. He was a devout observer of the law and highly respected by all the Jews living there. 那里有一个人,名叫亚拿尼亚,按着律法是虔诚人,为一切住在那里的犹太人所称赞。
12French curve, Sandwich line for durability. Popular used in Garment and Fashion Design. 透明材质12服装专业曲线尺,用于划领窝、夹圈、裤浪及多种弯度等。内置式线条经久耐用。

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