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Close to 104 countries, is very accessible, is a research, development and manufacture of various types of superfine grinding equipment, TXPS extruded-professional equipment manufacturers, Chang sell products at home and abroad, the widespread well receiv

Close the drain valve and refill the tank, and restore power. 关闭排污阀,重新向内胆注水,重新恢复电源。
Close the faucet and check all connections for leaks. 随后关闭水龙头,检查所有连接是否有泄漏。
Close the upper pipe ram and open the kill line valve. 关上部钻杆闸板防喷器,开压井管线阀。
Close the valve fully by turning the stem in a clockwise direction. Tightening valve bonnet is necessary to stop any leaks. 顺时针旋转阀杆,完全关闭阀门。如果必要,则紧固阀盖以消除任何泄漏。
Close tightly your lips with air in your mouth; then the breath break through your lips and make resonance inside the oral cavity. 发音时,双唇紧闭,口腔蓄气,然后气流冲破双唇阻碍,在口腔发生共鸣而发声。
Close to 104 countries, is very accessible, is a research, development and manufacture of various types of superfine grinding equipment, TXPS extruded-professional equipment manufacturers, Chang sell products at home and abroad, the widespread well receiv 紧靠104国道,交通十分便利,是一家从事研究,开发并制造各类超微粉碎设备,TXPS挤塑式设备的专业厂家,产品畅销国内外,深受广大用户好评。
Close to Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport and Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway, the Corporation is easily accessed. 毗邻杭州萧山国际机场和杭甬高速公路,交通十分便利。
Close to Qinghai-Tibet Railway, along with No.215 National highway run through, endow the company with preponderant location and convenience transfer-routes. 地理位置优越,紧邻青藏铁路,215国道贯穿其中,交通十分便利。
Close to Tibet south road, come in and go out convenient, various kinds of life facility pieces of area may satisfied in old the west. 紧邻西藏南路,出入方便,各种生活设施在老西门地区都可以满足。
Close to his head were two pots made of clay,tools and materials to make arrows,a bow and arrows for hunting and a second,smaller copper knife. 靠近他的头部有两个由黏土制成的罐,还有造箭所需要用的工具和材料,以及用于打猎的弓和箭,还另有一个铜制的较小的刀子。
Close to one million people died as a result of the siege. 列宁格勒之围造成近百万人死亡。

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