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He had the fixed idea that a woman's place was in the home.

He had the brass to ask his boss for a raise. 他厚颜无耻去要求他的老板加薪。
He had the camels kneel down near the well outside the town; it was toward evening, the time the women go out to draw water. 11天将晚,众女子出来打水的时候,他便叫骆驼跪在城外的水井那里。
He had the capability of completing the job in the given time. 他有能力在规定的时间内完成工作。
He had the cheek to ask for a rise after only 5 days in his new job. 他上班才五天就厚着脸皮要求增加工资。
He had the face to beguil his best friend into buying his house at a high price. 他竟然有脸欺骗他最要好的朋友以高价买了他的住宅。
He had the fixed idea that a woman's place was in the home. 他有个成见,认为女人的天地是在家里。
He had the gall to sue for damages. 他居然有脸要求赔偿。
He had the gratification of knowing that his plans had succeeded. 知道他的计画已经成功,他有了快感。
He had the greatest esteem for Rites, hut memorial ceremony and sacrificial rites are activities of serving ghosts, so Confucian's atheism thoughts were in a dilemma in science of Rites. 孔子推崇周礼,而丧祭之礼侍奉的对象即鬼神,所以孔子不能明言否定鬼神,其无神论观念在礼学中处于两难境遇。
He had the house rebuilt rather than repaired. 他宁愿重建房子,而不愿修缮。
He had the idea of scanning the image one line at a time through magnetic electrons. 他得到主意,可以透过电磁波一条一线的来扫瞄图像。

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