High market share and profitability are equally important.
高的市场份额和利润同样重要。 |
High mechanical strength, high elasticres ilience, wide hardhess seale good in ternai resistance, good water and oil resistance, brasion resistance.
机械强度高,回弹性好,硬度范围宽,有良好的抗内生热性,耐水性。耐油性、耐磨性和抗溶胀性。 |
High mechanical strength,it can stand heavy dynamic and static load. It is used in high load capacities and low speed with rotational, oscillating or frequent stop-start motion.
机械强度大,能承受较大的动、静载荷。适用于高载低速下的旋转运动,摇摆运动及经常在载荷下启闭频繁而不易形成流体动力润滑的结合。 |
High medical education should enhance the overall Quality of Students,so to strengthen the training of medical practiced creative talents.
摘要高等医学教育应提高学生的综合素质,加强应用型医学创新人才的培养。 |
High metabolic rates thus lead to increased injury to cells and the nucleic acids, proteins and fats within them.
因此高代谢速率会增加细胞以及其内的核酸、蛋白质与脂肪所受到的伤害。 |
High mortality rates still afflict children of the Third World.
高死亡率仍然给第三世界的孩子?带来苦难。 |
High multifunctional toilet cleansing agents, tableware detergent.
高级多功能卫生间清洗剂,餐具洗涤剂。 |
High multimedia (graphics and sounds), maximum four players, good dice simulation (the dice will roll faster whenever a player passes the upper row of the board game), no additional VB components or references are required.
这是一个高级多媒体(图形和声音)游戏,最多支持4个选手,优秀的骰子模拟(当选手经过棋盘的右上边时,骰子会滚动地更快),不需要其它VB组件或引用。 |
High myopia is an ocular disease characterized by abnormal visual functions, caused by excessive axial elongation.
摘要高度近视是由于过度眼轴增长而造成不正常视觉机能的眼疾。 |
High new technology has both advantage and disadvantage to us.
高新技术对我们既有利又有弊. |
High noise levels in laboratory animal facilities have been shown to adversely affect rodents.
在实验动物设施中高程度的噪音对于啮齿类有不利的影响。 |