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According to the competence construction theory and based on the scrupulous and rigorous transplantationof geological mechanics model in developing oil field, this paper reveals the internal organism of talent internationalization strategy, puts forward t

According to the clock that ticks off the increase in diversity of the DNA of a group of animals due to the accumulation of random mutations, this “population bottleneck” occurred at the beginning of the Younger Dryas. 通过统计出这群动物由于随机变异的积累所产生的DNA变异的情况,从而推算出种群变异的时间,发现这种“种群数瓶颈”恰恰发生在新仙女木期的开始阶段。
According to the codes and specifications of structural strengthening and other interrelated criterions, authors have developed a computer aided design (CAD) software of the Structural Strengthening Software System of Southeast University Deep (SEU-DEEP), 摘要根据现行加固规范、规程以及其他相关的标准,编制了东大迪普(SEU-DEEP)结构加固设计软件系统,填补了国内关于结构加固设计领域计算机辅助设计的空白。
According to the commission's report, in 2000-05 oil exporters spent a bigger share of each extra dollar of export revenues on imports from the euro zone than they did in 1973-81. 根据委员会的报告,在2000-05年石油出口商将比1973-81年花费出口收益每额外一美圆的更大份额在从欧元区的进口上。
According to the comparison and analysis of mineral composition and geochemical characteristics of trace element, sulfur isotope, hydrogen and oxygen isotope, lead isotope and rare earth element in the gold ore and the altered spilite from the deposits of 摘要通过对铧厂沟金矿床金矿石和蚀变细碧岩矿物组成、微量元素、硫同位素、氢氧同位素、铅同位素及稀土元素地球化学特征地对比分析,得出金矿石对该基性火山岩存在明显的继承性。
According to the comparison between simulation results and laboratory measurements, this paper reaches the conclusion that the negative pressure region in convex boundary (including broken line gradient) not only caused by boundary layer separation, but a 根据数值计算与模型试验结果的比较,得出具有凸形曲面边界(包括折面底坡)负压区的存在不仅是边界层分离所致,边壁弯曲使过流产生的离心力也是产生负压的重要原因的结论。
According to the competence construction theory and based on the scrupulous and rigorous transplantationof geological mechanics model in developing oil field, this paper reveals the internal organism of talent internationalization strategy, puts forward t 摘要依据能力建设理论,在有内在根据、审慎严谨地“移植”基于地质力学开发油田模型的基础上,揭示出人才国际化战略的内在机理,提出了国际化人才产生的“生态”环境、集聚的迁移机制、合理的使用策略。
According to the complex behavior of strip foundation beams of pile, the internal stress distribution of foundation beams is influenced by the indetermination and random of the bearing capacity of pile foundations under the beams. 摘要在考虑基桩承载力差异性和桩土共同工作等因素的基础上引入随机优化分析理论,提出了基桩承载力随机生成的计算机方法,并采用遗传算法对承台梁内力进行随机分析。
According to the comprehension of the internal process of value and three major logical stage-knots of epistemology in trans-cultural comparative study of Chinese-Western poetics (literary theories) as well as the incompleteness of methodology and its dan 摘要根据对中西诗学(文论)跨文化比较研究的内在价值理路及其知识学进路三大环节的理解,以及时下“话语-模子研究”范式的方法论残缺及其“泛文化”危机倾向,提出将“异质性话语理解”、“诗性阐释”与“现代性审视”三者结合起来的方法论新范式,粗略勾画并说明了这种“异质话语的诗性阐释及其现代性审视”方法论具体运作的三个内在环节。
According to the computer simulation, the output power of the generator should be decreased when the excitation type have been changed. 通过计算机仿真可以看出,励磁方式切换后,稳态运行时系统发出的功率将减少,所以,切换励磁方式的同时,要求减少系统的发电功率。
According to the concept and characteristic of cyclic economy, the economic development in China is analyzed and compared with foreign countries. in order to improve the cyclic economy in China, some suggestions are put forward: taking Germany as an examp 摘要通过论述循环经济的概念、特征,用循环经济的眼光看待我国的经济发展并将其与国外做法相比较,得出进一步改进我国循环经济发展的一些措施:借鉴德国的运作模式,建立收购-转运-处置的中介机构;完善现有的法律法规体系,推动循环经济的发展;促进生产领域的绿色化和循环发展;应当对公众开展有效的引导和宣传,使循环经济理念影响企业和公众的行为。
According to the concept of TOPSIS, an overall performance index is obtained for each alternative. 采用TOPSIS方法计算出评价方案的综合评价分数并进行排序。

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