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The Phantom Assassin becomes hard to see by blurring her body. Some enemy attacks miss.

The Pew Internet and American Life Project found more U.S. adults than ever use the Internet and participate in a wider range of activity via the medium than previously measured. 这项调查美国人生活与互联网关系的报告还发现越来越多的美国成年人使用互联网并懂得利用这个媒介物来参与更广泛的活动。
The Pew survey was conducted by telephone from mid-February through mid-March among a random, nationwide sample of 2,020 adults. 此项随机电话调查从今年2月中旬持续至三月中旬,全美共有2020名成年人参加。
The Ph.D by Architectural Design of Bartlett provides students a cutting-edge, experimental environment for their research. They are encouraged to develop now directions by combining text and project. 建筑设计哲学博士课程让特别具有设计及思考反省能力的设计者,能在巴特雷特有的前卫实验性环境中进行研究,鼓励以设计与书写的互动去发展建筑设计新向度。
The Ph.D. program in the Department of Communication at The University of Memphis provides fundamental grounding in the theory and practice of communication, media, and rhetoric as directed toward a variety of contexts, especially that of the urban enviro 孟菲斯大学传播系的博士课程提供了传播、媒体方面的理论和实践基础,并教授各种文体的修辞技巧,特别是在都市环境中使用的文体的技巧。
The Ph.D., a traditional degree, signifies the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment. 博士学位是一种很传统的学位,代表着高级学术成就的最高水平。
The Phantom Assassin becomes hard to see by blurring her body. Some enemy attacks miss. 幻影刺客的形体变得越来越模糊,越来越难以看清。同时能以一定几率闪避攻击。
The Phantom Drophead Coupé offers owners an unparalleled convertible experience, combining compelling driveability with exceptional engineering, technology and design – hand-crafted from the finest materials to an exceptional level of quality. 幻影软顶敞篷车能给车主带来无与伦比的敞篷车体验。它具有卓越的驾驶性能、非凡的工艺、技术和设计,辅以最精细的材质和完美的手工艺,铸就了非凡的品质。
The Phantom Silver will be produced in only 25 units, with a price increased by £22,000 compared to the standard Phantom. 幽灵银会产生只有25个单位,以价格增加了22,000英镑,比标准剂量.
The Phantom Time Hypothesis suggests that the early Middle Ages (614-911 A.D.) never happened, but were added to the calendar long ago either by accident, by misinterpretation of documents, or by deliberate falsification by calendar conspirators. 幻影时代的假设指出中世纪前期(即公元614-公元911)这段时间是虚构的,只是后来由于机缘巧合,或者文献的误译、或者日历制定者的故意篡改,被添加到日历上。
The Phantom of Liberty (1974) - In Luis Bu?uel's masterpiece, guests at a dinner party don't actually eat at the table; instead they sit on toilet bowls. 自由的魅影——在路易斯布努艾尔这部杰作里,宴会上的客人们不是坐在餐桌上吃饭的,而是坐在抽水马桶上。
The Phantom's retail price is about $400,000 but comes in at about twice that amount after tax in both China and Hong Kong. “幻影”系列的零售价约为40万美元,但在中国内地和香港的税后价格,是这个数字的两倍左右。

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