Q: How do you handle failure?
失败了你会怎么办? |
Q: How do you handle user testing?
你们是如何把握用户测试的? |
Q: How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?
你如何处理与同事在工作中的意见不和? |
Q: How do you help your Interact club succeed?
问:你如何协助你的扶轮少年服务团成功? |
Q: How do you make a blonde girl's eyes twinkle?
问:你知不知道要怎么让一个金发美女的眼睛亮晶晶发光? |
Q: How do you normally handle criticism?
你通常如何处理别人的批评? |
Q: How do you save a Scouser from drowning?
你怎样救一个快要淹死的利物浦人? |
Q: How do you see the Michelin/Bridgestone, Renault/Ferrari battle?
问:你怎么看米其林和普利司通、雷诺和法拉利之间的竞争? |
Q: How do you think your life would differ if you weren't Chinese? And secondly, how do you think your career would be different if you were a guy?
如果你不是中国人,你觉得你的生活会不同吗?然后,如果你是一个男人,你的职业生涯会不同吗? |
Q: How does Police AI work? How do we buy them off?
问:电脑的AI是怎样起作用的?我该怎么去收买他们? |
Q: How does Santa send the gifts?
圣诞老公公是如何送礼物呢? |