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Fresh and tender, with yellow skin,root removed, free from contusion and putrefaction, 200-750 g per pc.

Fresh air is good for you. 新鲜空气对你会有好处。
Fresh air is good for your health. 新鲜空气有益健康。
Fresh and dried fruits are easily available now. 现在,干鲜果品很容易买到。
Fresh and exquisite beautifying skin efficiency can help quickly activate melanin and has supernatural treatment on dull, flawed, rough and aged skin. 鲜活极致的美肤效能快速活化黑色素对晦暗,暇疵,粗糙,防止皮肤老化等有着神奇的疗效。
Fresh and nation color, simple design style exremely, let the future pass the free meaning, incorporate the free marrow in its classical design. 清新自然的色系,极件简注意的设计风格,让家具传承其自由的内涵,将自然的精髓融入其经典的设计中。
Fresh and tender, with yellow skin,root removed, free from contusion and putrefaction, 200-750 g per pc. 鲜嫩,壳呈黄色,切去根部,无伤残,无腐烂,每个重200-750克。
Fresh and wonderfully pungent blackcurrant and cherry nose. 散发着清新而浓郁的黑醋栗与樱桃的果香。
Fresh anti-America protests have claimed more lives in Afghanistan as anger read over a report that U.S interrogators at Guantanamo Bay had desecrated the Koran. 在阿富汗,最新的反美示威造成更多的人员伤亡。由于有报告说关塔那摩湾的美国审讯人员亵渎了可兰经,激起了人们的愤怒而引发了这次示威。
Fresh anti-America protests have claimed more lives in Afghanistan as anger spread over a report that U.S interrogators at Guantanamo Bay had desecrated the Koran. 在阿富汗,最新的反美示威造成更多的人员伤亡。由于有报告说关塔那摩湾的美国审讯人员亵渎了可兰经,激起了人们的愤怒而引发了这次示威。
Fresh beef and natural raw material insuring great taste of food. 精选上乘新鲜牛肉,新鲜原料,保证食品的味道、气味新鲜。
Fresh beer without filtration is nutritional and tastes purer. 不经过滤的鲜啤酒营养更丰富,口味更纯正。

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