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A Perha . I wish I had more time for ort or exercise.

A Pennsylvania man is recovering from his second lightning strike. Don Frick was struck Friday while attending a festival. The only casualty of the lightning strike was Frick's pants. 世界上还真有九死一生的奇迹,宾夕法尼亚的一位男子第二次遭雷劈而安然无恙。当·弗里克周五的时候赶赴一个宴会时与雷公亲密接触,雷击造成的唯一伤亡是:弗里克的裤头被烧了几个洞。
A Pennsylvania restaurant that lost its crown as home of the world's biggest hamburger earlier this year now offers a new one that weighs a whopping 6.75 kilograms. 今年稍早失去全球最大汉堡大本营荣耀的一家宾州餐厅,现在推出一客重量高达六.七五公斤的新汉堡。
A Pentagon official says the US is 【rushing ammo and equipment】 to the region. 五角大楼的一位官员说美国已经给该地区运送了弹药和装备。
A Pentagon report this year on China's military forces said baldly that the country was developing tactics to achieve “electromagnetic dominance” early in a conflict. 今年五角大楼出具的一份关于中国军力的报告明确指出:中国正在发展相应策略,以便在斗争中尽早取得“电磁优势”。
A People's Court of second instance shall open a court session to hear a case protested by a People's Procuratorate. 对人民检察院抗诉的案件,第二审人民法院应当开庭审理。
A Perha . I wish I had more time for ort or exercise. 也许。我希望我有更多的时间做运动或者锻炼身体。
A Perhaps. I wish I had more time for sport or exercise. 也许。我希望我有更多的时间做运动或者锻炼身体。
A Persistent Female Lawyer The female lawyer I knew was perpetually pestering judges to have periodic lunches with her. 坚持不懈的女律师我知道的这名女律师没完没了地缠着几位法官定期与她一起吃午饭。
A Person with one or two year experience in the field would be preferable. 在这个领域有一至两年的工作经验者将优先考虑。
A Personal Identification Number (PIN) is required for a transaction. 交易时需提交个人密码(PIN)。
A Peruvian treasure lost for nearly 20 years has turned up in the offices of a London law firm, local police announced yesterday. 当地警察声称,一件秘鲁财宝在丢失近20年后,在伦敦警局重新出现。

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