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5 million is a bundle of cash, but it might be worth it.

5 day work week, public holiday, annual leave, 13 months salary, 5 insurances &housing fund, travel allowance &insurance, discretionary bonus. 五天工作制,国家规定假期,带薪年假,13个月工资,五险一金,出差保险,出差补贴,年底奖金。
5 days ago I started growing some plant but have not seen them yet. I believe they will grow in the direction of the light. 5天前我开始种植物。但是还没有见到它们。我相信它们会随着光的方向生长。
5 divided by 10 is equal to 1 devided by 2. 5与10之比,相当于1与2之比。
5 hope to conclude some business with you. 我希望能与贵公司建立贸易关系。
5 loss damage or expense proximately caused by delay, even though the delay be caused by a risk insured against (except expenses payable under clause 2 above). 迟延直接造成的灭失、损害或费用,即便该迟延是由于某种承保风险造成的(但根据上述第2条支付的费用除外)。
5 million is a bundle of cash, but it might be worth it. 三百五十万是一大笔钱,但是如果可以保证孩子的未来,或许是值得的。
5 million people are living with the disease in sub-Saharan Africa, 5.6 million in South/Southeast Asia, 1.3 million in Latin America, 900,000 in North America and 520,000 in Western Europe. 在非洲南撒哈拉沙漠地区,有2450万人患有爱滋病,南亚和东南亚地区有560万人患病,拉美地区有130万人患病,北美有90万人患病,在西欧有52万人患病。
5 people for one boat and full price for children. 一、该船乘坐4~5人,儿童全票。
5 species from New Guinea to Fiji.Not much imported,and mainly from Sulawesi,lrian Jaya and Solomon. 计5种﹐分布于新几内亚与斐济﹐进口量不大﹐主要由苏拉威西﹐伊里安与所罗门群岛进口。
5 species in South America.Hububalli yielded in Venezuela,Guyana,French Guiana and Surinam. 计5种﹐分布于南美﹐主要伐采地在委内瑞拉、盖亚纳、法属主亚那及苏利南。
5 the f 6 , no one can do without a computer. 在将来,每一个人都不能没有电脑。

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