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On the seventh day after the operation, her visual field of the left eye showed only minor temporal and inferonasal scotoma and the best corrected visual acuity in her left eye was recovered to 6/6.7.

On the second of these at least, the world's food companies can claim to be setting a good example: they have been working up quite a sweat in their attempts to fend off assaults by governments, consumer groups and lawyers who accuse them of peddling prod 至少就第二点而言,全球的食品公司可以说是树立了一个很好的典范:为了避开政府、消费者团体以及律师们的抨击——指责食品公司四处兜售促进肥胖的产品,他们已经累得大汗淋漓了。
On the second page, each participant reflects upon his or her personal goals, spiritual and otherwise, or that which they would like to make manifest in the year ahead. 在第二页上,每个参与者沉思他/她的个人目标、灵性及其他方面的,和他们希望在前方年代显化的。
On the second round Kardaine inspires Brendal, and Morgan Snow on the third round. 第二轮卡典为布兰多祈祷,第三轮为摩艮?雪诺。
On the settlement of the Taiwan question, we do not undertake to renounce the use of force precisely for the purpose of facilitating a peaceful settlement. 在解决台湾问题上,我们不承诺放弃使用武力,正是为了促成和平解决。
On the seventh day Elishama son of Ammihud, the leader of the people of Ephraim, brought his offering. 48第七日来献的是以法莲子孙的首领,亚米忽的儿子以利沙玛。
On the seventh day after the operation, her visual field of the left eye showed only minor temporal and inferonasal scotoma and the best corrected visual acuity in her left eye was recovered to 6/6.7. 经耳鼻喉科评估后实施功能性鼻窦内视镜手术同时作视神经减压术,术后七日,病人左眼最佳矫正视力进步为6/6.7,但左眼显侧及下鼻侧仍有部分视野缺损且左侧外展神经麻痹依旧。
On the seventh day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work. 25第七日当有圣会,什么劳碌的工都不可作。
On the seventh day prepare seven bulls, two rams and fourteen male lambs a year old, all without defect. 32第七日要献公牛七只,公羊两只,没有残疾,一岁的公羊羔十四只。
On the seventh day the priest is to examine him, and if it is spreading in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him unclean; it is an infectious skin disease. 27到第七天,祭司要察看他,火斑若在皮上发散开了,就要定他为不洁净,是大麻疯的灾病。
On the seventh day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work. 民28:25第七日当有圣会、甚麽劳碌的工都不可作。
On the shores of Lake Washington, this spectacular, 200-acre living museum's collections of oaks, conifers, camellias, Japanese maples, and hollies rank as one of the nation's largest. 在华盛顿湖边有一个壮观的两百英亩的活植物博物馆,搜集了橡树、松柏科植物、茶花、日本枫树、和冬青树等,列为美国最大的植物园之一。

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