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If nothing else, the Ig Nobels demonstrates a form of courage, and you need courage if you intend to be an innovator.

If not, you will get worse and continue with bad habits. 如果你的基本步还不熟,你会跳得更糟,并且以坏习惯继续下去。
If nothing bad happens, its not a real-time system. 如果什么也没有发生,它不是一个实时系统。
If nothing else, FILTER ALL FOREIGN DATA. 如果没有其他可作的,那么就*过滤所有的外来数据*。
If nothing else, an aspiring wholesaler-turned-exporter must clearly understand what he's getting into before plunging into foreign waters. 即使是些无关紧要的细节,但是对于想要开拓国外市场的批发商来说,在进入国外市场之前,最好还是对出口业务可能遇到的问题有一些清楚的了解。
If nothing else, shareholder meetings are getting longer. 如果没有其他的事,股东会议很变得更长。
If nothing else, the Ig Nobels demonstrates a form of courage, and you need courage if you intend to be an innovator. 哪怕没有别的贡献,“搞笑诺贝尔奖”也弘扬了一种勇敢的行为。如果你想成为一名创造者,你需要的就是勇气。
If nothing else, the extroverted Lang Lang seems not to have been overtaken by glamour. He navigates celebrity dinner galas like a seasoned politician. 别的不说,个性外向的郎朗似乎还没被自己的名声冲昏头。他游刃有余地参加名流晚宴,宛如政坛老将。
If nothing happens, then be with nothing. 如果什麽事也没发生,那麽就和无事在一起。
If nothing happens, we will be adding another server to cater for more players, and remove the IP restrictions in the following order: Hong Kong, China, Brazil. 如无意外,我们会增加伺服器的数目以应付更多的玩家,而且我们会先把香港的限制,然后中国,最后巴西解除。
If nothing is wrong with it, please examine the torque. 如果都没有问题,请检查扭转负荷。
If notice is not given to Underwriters within twelve months of that date unless the Underwriters agree to the contrary in writing, the Underwriters will be automatically discharged from liability for any claim under this insurance in respect of or arising 若未在该日起12个月内通知保险人,除非保险人书面作相反的同意,对与此种意外事故或损失,损害有关的或由其引起的根据本保险的任何索赔,保险人自动解除责任。

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