Come Harvest-time delight the kids with a spectacular bounty of rainbow-colored spuds. |
中文意思: 前来收获时的喜悦,与孩子们的精彩邦蒂彩虹色岔. |
Combos Use a Shield Bash/Block, then attack with Revenge.
组合技使用盾击/盾牌格挡,然后再使用复仇攻击。 |
Combustible: Generalgarbage,plant waste,plastics,rubbers,tires,dying and finishing industrial waste,plastic foam,polystyrene,resins,discarded engine oil.
适用行业:民生废弃物染整业、工厂事业废弃物、代处理业、公有焚烧厂。 |
Come 10 years, good will reside hold to from beginning to end with rigorous management, the design of individual character, professional construction and good service won a society approbate: Have the honor to win whole 1999 country to reside adornment pr
十年来,好来居始终坚持以严格的管理,个性的设计、专业的施工和优良的服务赢得了社会的认可:荣获1999年全国家居装饰优秀企业、2000年深圳十佳装饰企业、2000年深圳优秀企业、2001年深圳放心家装企业、2001年环保家装优秀企业、2001年深圳市民推荐“重合同、守信用”企业、2002年深圳市3? |
Come 2nd on the poll is Lindsay Lohan.
名列排行榜第二位的是林德赛·洛翰。 |
Come December, Christmas lights brighten shopping streets in cities from Beijing to Colombo, while images of Santa Claus and Rudolph adorn office buildings, shops and restaurants.
12月以来,购物街上的璀璨灯光从北京一直亮到了科伦坡,办公楼、商店和餐馆里也都有了圣诞老人和红鼻子驯鹿的装点。 |
Come Harvest-time delight the kids with a spectacular bounty of rainbow-colored spuds.
前来收获时的喜悦,与孩子们的精彩邦蒂彩虹色岔. |
Come In.It's COOL Inside!
进来,里面凉快! |
Come October, the country's second deepest fjord, Tysfjord, fills with billions of migrating herring that winter there on the way to spawning grounds.
每到十月,数十亿只迁徙中的鲱鱼涌进挪威第二深的提斯峡湾,在那里过冬后继续前往产卵地。 |
Come across to my office this afternoon.
你今天下午到我办公室来一趟. |
Come again? I didn't quite understand what you said.
再说一遍好吗?你刚说的话我不明白。 |
Come against her from afar. Break open her granaries; pile her up like heaps of grain. Completely destroy her and leave her no remnant.
26你们要从极远的边界来攻击她,开她的仓廪,将她堆如高堆,毁灭净尽,丝毫不留。 |