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You are stupidity, folly, contempt.

You are stoked that the basketball season is finally here. 篮球季节终于来到了,你为此而感到很兴奋。
You are strong and healthy. 你很强壮,也很健康。
You are strongly recommended to take a backup of your system before major installation and backups at regular intervals. 强烈推荐您在重大的安装前备份系统,并且做到定期备份。
You are struggling with what to write in the thank you card. 我不知道要在答谢卡里写些什麽.
You are study for Bachelor or Master degree? 你在学习本科学历还是硕士学历?
You are stupidity, folly, contempt. 你愚蠢,无知而又傲慢。
You are successfully in tune with those having less understanding than you, making you a sympathetic listener and counselor. 你能成功和谐地跟那些对你了解不深的人相处,这让你成为了富同情心的聆听者跟辅导员。
You are such a chicken. If you don't agree with him, why don't you tell it to his face? 你真是个胆小鬼。如果你不同意,为什么不当面告诉他?
You are such a hoodoo. 你真是个扫把星。
You are such a jerk. 你这个混蛋!
You are such a nuisance. 你真讨厌!

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