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The main suspect is being held in Lebanon. Two other suspects are also in custody.

The main street of the city is a blaze of lights in the evening. 这条城市的大街在晚间都是闪闪发亮的灯光。
The main streets tend to be lined with sturdy trees planted before living memory. 主要街道两旁成排粗壮大树已有上百年的历史。
The main stress in `photography' falls on the antepenultimate syllable. photography一字的主重音在倒数第三个音节上.
The main structures effecting the slopes are fold, multi-level bedding glide and the strongly developing cleavage. 三峡库区特定的历史构造条件为巴东组深厚层松散斜坡的发育准备了变形条件。
The main suppliers also interact in a variety of markets and on joint ventures like compilations, so there are ample opportunities to dole out selective punishment. 在大部分市场上,主要供应商就像编辑们既相互制约又共同合作,所以,他们有大把机会给不守规矩的公司一些选择性的惩罚措施。
The main suspect is being held in Lebanon. Two other suspects are also in custody. 主要犯罪嫌疑人被关押在黎巴嫩。另外两名犯罪嫌疑人也被拘留。
The main suspension gallows consist of a steel box beam, sitting on hydraulic jacks that support all the structure during concreting. 主吊架有一钢箱梁组成,坐落在液压千斤顶上,在浇注混凝土过程中支撑所有结构。
The main switch selector, mode dial, up\down buttons, and a brief explanation of their functions are shown below. 以下说明主选择开关、模式盘、向上\向下按钮以及解释它们的功能。
The main task and contents of the macro-economic control system. (二)宏观经济调控的主要任务和内容。
The main task of Education and training is to arouse the inner here, unleash the power within the power within and improve the life quality. 教育培训的主要任务--唤醒心中的巨人,释放内在的潜能,成就美好的人生。
The main task of the implementation is to rewrite the validation method. 实现的主要任务是重写确认方法。

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