Despite the sporadic disturbances the dictator was still riding high.
虽不时有骚动事件,该独裁者仍能控制局势。 |
Despite the strict ban on surrogacy, imposed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) in 2001, the agency continues to operate and has established relationships with a number of hospitals.
2001年虽然政府健康部门强力严格阻止这些机构,但是这些机构还是持续产生,并和很多医院建立了关系。 |
Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive and working today, despite the fact that this Nation's own scientific manpower is doubling every 12 years in a rate of growth more than three times that of our p
尽管显著的事实是,大多数享誉世界的科学家们仍在奋斗不息,尽管我国的科研力量以每12年翻一番的速率增长、总体上超过了人口增长速率的3倍——尽管这样,世上未知领域、未得到答案和未完成任务的范围之广,仍远远超出了我们所有人的理解力。 |
Despite the subprime meltdown, creditors have not seriously restricted the amount they are willing to lend to companies or much increased the interest rates they demand.
尽管次优按揭市场出现危机,公司债务方面,贷款人并未明显收紧金额,或者显著提高利率。 |
Despite the successful homecoming, the GlobalFlyer encountered dark moments during its flight.
尽管“环球飞行者”号成功归航,但它在飞行途中也遭遇过黑暗的时刻。 |
Despite the surveillance tape of the robbery, the suspect says he is innocent, claiming another man was wearing tape on his head.
尽管监控录像带录下了抢劫的整个过程,该名疑犯仍表示他是无辜的,并声称是另外一名男子用胶带缠住了他的脸。 |
Despite the surveillance tape the robbery suspect says he is innocent, claiming another man with wearing tape on his head.
面对监控录像,这个嫌疑犯还是表示自己是清白的,并声称自己头上的粘胶带是他人所为。 |
Despite the threat of war, people go about their work as usual.
尽管战争一触即发,人们仍像平时一样工作。 |
Despite the threat of war, people went about their work as usual.
尽管战争一触即发,人们仍像平时一样工作。 |
Despite the title of her first CD No Angel, Dido has one of the most angelic voices around.
尽管她的第一张专辑名为《不是天使》,蒂朵却拥有最具天使魅力的嗓音。 |
Despite the traffic jam he arrived here on time.
尽管交通堵塞,他仍然按时到达这里。 |