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On one hand I have to work; on the other hand I have many visitors to see.

On offer to the visitors to the exhibition is a wide variety of furniture and related products, well-planned display of the latest designs under one roof including low costs, traditional and custom made designs, each having exceptional finish and is worth 这场展览会不但会把种类琳琅满目的家具以及相关产品呈献在参观者的眼前,更是会藉着规划周详的陈列,一站式地让所有最新颖的设计——不论是低成本的、是传统造型的、或是特别定制的——都在全世界的瞩目之下展现出它们的超凡品质。
On old dogs and children and watermelon wine. 说起有关老狗,小孩和西瓜酒的话题。
On one day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar. 12这要在一日之间,在十二月,就是亚达月,十三日,在亚哈随鲁王的各省执行。
On one expedition, Napoleon ventured to Egypt and brought back many ancient relics along with the scholars to conduct research on them, which is why “Egyptology” had its beginning in Paris. 我们看到了拿破仑当时远征埃及的时候所带回的许多古埃及的文物,另外还聪明的带回许多学者专家进行研究,所以在巴黎、法国、欧洲兴起『埃及学』。
On one hand I have to work, on the other hand I have a lot of visitors. 一方面我得工作,另一方面我又要接待许多来访者。
On one hand I have to work; on the other hand I have many visitors to see. 一方面我必须工作;另一方面我有许多来宾要照看。
On one hand fertilizer rate must be in accordance with soil fertility and crop's nutrient property; on the other application should abide by the principle of combining the organic manure with inorganic nutrients and primary with secondary and micro-nutrie 一方面施肥量必须与土壤肥力和作物养分特征一致;另一方面应当有机肥与无机养分配合施用,大量元素、中量元素和微量元素配合施用。
On one hand gift is important and inevitable, on the other hand observation and accumulation of life are also equally necessary. 一方面天赋很重要,不可缺少,另一方面,对生活的观察和积累也同样重要。
On one hand he was proud his Premiership debutants had more than matched the Champions but on the other he was still reeling from a Crespo knockout punch that had totally deflated the vociferous Wigan crowd . 一方面他为自己的英超处子赛比英超冠军表现得要好,可另一面依旧从克雷斯波的突然进球中脱离出来,完全为维根的支持者们出了口气。
On one hand one can inquire more comprehensive conditions of Lifting tipper, Rolls facility or of Bakery machines or on the other hand of Used Machines, Bread effect machines in addition to Baking ovens and Air-conditioning, under the number +4935936 / 45 您可以垂询销售部门关于面包糕饼机、面包机、旧机械和气候技术、烘烤炉、小面包生产设备或起重式翻斗机的产品供应和价格。
On one hand one can inquire more comprehensive conditions of Shovel, Soil or of Garden decoration or on the other hand of Iron wire, Soil in addition to Soil and Soil, under the number +86 (7783588) 701124 at taizhou hyde tools co.,ltd. 您可以垂询销售部门关于园艺装饰、地面、底层、塔板、铁丝和碎土机、地面平整机、土地、土壤、土层或铲、挖斗、叶片、信号盘、图表的产品供应和价格。

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