Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Gilbert Arenas all regularly wow us on an individual basis, but the most impressive development in the conference in this stretch is the Pistons' 15-3 mark since Webber became their starting center, restoring Detroit to conte
德文韦德,勒布朗詹姆斯和吉尔伯特阿里纳斯都经常在个人能力上让我们惊呼不已,但东部联盟中让人印象最为深刻的进步就是活塞队在韦伯成为他们的先发中锋后取得的15胜3负的成绩,韦伯带领球队重返(总冠军)争夺队伍中。 |
Dwyane Wade, at the team's average play, wasn't worry about the confidence.
韦德是上个赛季的新秀,他的表现中规中矩,并不担心球队对获胜的信心。 |
Dye can bring a little color to life.
染料可以给生活带来一丝色彩。 |
Dye probes and their recent applications in quantitative analysis of protein and in the studies of interactions of the dye probes with protein/DNA in bio-analysis were reviewed.
摘要评述近年来染料探针在生物分析中用于蛋白质的定量测定及蛋白质、核酸与小分子相互作用等方面的研究进展。 |
Dye-sensitised solar cells seek to mimic this assembly line.
染料太阳能电池寻求模仿上述方式。 |
Dyeing and printing wastewater was treated biologically and then by fluidized activated carbonin place of flocculation to lower the treatment cost, decrease the sludge quantity and raise the treatment to a very high level.
摘要印染废水经过生化处理后,采用“流炭法”取代混凝沉淀,可节省处理费用,减少污泥生产量,同时可使废水达到很高的处理要求。 |
Dyer over there making eyes at you.
她平时最喜欢和男人聊天。 |
Dyer's Newcastle career seemed in jeopardy in April 2005 when he and teammate Lee Bowyer fought on the field during a 3-0 home loss to Aston Villa.
代尔在纽卡斯尔的岁月似乎在2005年4月就曾要终结,当时他和队友李·鲍耶在联赛中主场0:3败与阿斯顿维拉。 |
Dyer's introduction from the substitutes' bench in the second half caught the eye but Allardyce remains steadfast in his assessment of the situation.
代尔在下半场时被替换上场,他的表现很出色,但阿勒黛丝仍然认为他会离开。 |
Dyes and their effluent have become one of the main sources of water pollution, and are difficulty to be degraded by organism.
摘要染料属生物难降解有机物,染料和印染废水已成为当前最重要的水体污染源之一。 |
Dyes with the silver-plating law and Ji Musa, may the very good demonstration mycelium assume spiral-shaped, its end or the beginnings and ends curved transfer the hook.
用镀银法和姬姆萨染色,可很好的显示菌体呈螺旋状,其一端或两端弯转成钩。 |