Such an interaction occurs, for example, when the technologist, in applying a particular concept of pure science to a practical problem, reveals a gap or limitation in the theoretical model, thus pointing the way for further basic research.
第二个方面是,社会上的一切成员,从政府部门中任公职的官员到普通公民,都应运用科学家们在研究工作中所采用的专门的思维方法和工作方法。 |
Such an interchange allows for an exchange of information and understanding that shall insure a rapid and complete ascension for all concerned.
这样的交换允许信息和理解的交换,将保证所有相关成员一个快速和完全的提升。 |
Such an interpretation of the past historical events seems to whitewash Japan's dubious World War II legacy, such as Yasukuni Shrine.
如此对过去历史事件的诠释似乎是为了要掩盖日本那含糊的第二次世界大战的遗产,靖国神社就是一个例子。 |
Such an invasion is likely to have grave consequences.
而这入侵很可能带来严重的后果。 |
Such an occasion would be concluded with a sumptuous feast.
这样的场面会在盛大的宴会中结束。 |
Such an offence will lead to a summary fine.
这类过错要当场予以罚款。 |
Such an old traditional national art is sending out its distinctive individuality and taking on a new life in its course of mingling with modem elements.
这种古老的民族传统艺术在与现代融合重组的过程中散发着独特的个性,焕发出新的生命。 |
Such an organization should operate under your supervision and in no way dilutes your authority or responsibility.
这个谘询协会必须是在您的监督之下运作,而且绝不允许在任何情况之下干扰您的职责或权力。 |
Such an outfit would be a useful addition to my wardrobe.
在我的服装中添置这一套会有用的. |
Such an outlook would have required the US economy to have a hard landing in 2007, which would have been unlikely.
这就要求美国经济在2007来一次硬着陆,但是看似并不太可能。 |
Such an understanding of equality allows Dewey to speak freely of superiority, inferiority, and aristocracy within the context of a properly understood democracy.
个人的理解是:对平等的如此理解使得杜威得以在正确理解民主的背景下自由谈论上等、下等和贵族。 |