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A Hongkong headline rumor that China was going to launch another large scale military exercise similar to the one in March 1996 in response to President Lee's recent dismissal of the one-Chinapolicy.

A Hindu holy man stands on the banks of the Ganges in Varanasi, December 3, 2001. 图为一名印度教神职人员站在恒河边。
A Hollywood stunt pilot was supposed to snag the Genesis capsule as it floated toward Earth on a parachute at the end of its three-year mission to collect solar ions. 三年来,“起源”号太阳探测飞船的主要任务就是收集太阳粒子。在完成该使命后,飞船借助降落伞返回地球。按计划,一位好莱坞的特技飞行员将对返回舱实施空中拦截。
A Hong Kong banker says: “Politically, there's a lot more prestige in helping move people rather than goods, but the government has woken up to how crucial freight is for an export-led manufacturing sector. 一位香港银行家表示:“从政治角度来看,运送旅客比运输货物更能建立声望,但政府已意识到,货运对出口驱动型的制造业领域至关重要。”
A Hong Kong drug lord and four of his SAR associates were sentenced to death yesterday by a mainland court for the production and smuggling of the world's largest haul of ice. 一名香港毒枭及四名港人夥伴因制造及走私全球最大宗冰毒,昨日在内地法院被判死刑。
A Hong Kong health spa has added a desperate spin to weight loss programmes by literally setting its customers on fire, a press report said. 根据媒体报导,香港一家健康水疗馆以真火烧顾客的方式,为减重计划增加一项致命的绝招。
A Hongkong headline rumor that China was going to launch another large scale military exercise similar to the one in March 1996 in response to President Lee's recent dismissal of the one-Chinapolicy. 香港耶明报大条标题放话讲阿共ㄚ对阿辉ㄚ最近讲台员及中国是国对国耶讲法﹐按算欲像九六年三月彼款军事演习看台员郎咁会惊。
A House subcommittee will vote next week on the Smoke-Free Environment Act, perhaps the most sweeping antismoking legislation Congress has ever seriously considered. 众议院一分组委员会将于下周就《无烟害环境法案》进行投票,这项法案是国会有史以来最看重的禁烟法案,也可能是最全面的禁烟法案。
A House-Senate compromise announced last week favored the Senate version of legislation to renew key Patriot Act provisions. 上周公布的众议院和参议院的折中方案,赞成参议院关于更新关键性爱国法案法规的立法版本。
A How about 2 this afternoon? 今天下午2点怎么样?
A How about Thai or Vietnamese? There's lots of good places. 泰国菜或者越南菜怎么样?有很多好地方可去。
A How about the sideburns? Should I use a razor for them? 鬓角怎么弄法?要不要我用剃刀刮一下?

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