One reason is that companies have very high hurdle rates for new projects, higher than seems justified by a world of low interest rates.
原因之一就是公司开展新项目的门槛过高,高过了低利率所允许的范围。 |
One reason is that modelers have often lacked detailed knowledge of how specific contagious diseases spread.
原因之一是模拟系统的制作者,往往缺乏对特定传染病散播方式的详细知识。 |
One reason is that moving in and out of the work force at will may be hard to pull off when you hit 70.
一个原因是,当你到70岁的时候,任意地改变工作会很困难。 |
One reason is that over-fishing has cut the dolphin's food sources.
其中有个原因就是过度捕鱼断绝了白暨豚的食物来源。 |
One reason is that the Communist Party fears that allowing political freedom to flourish on its fringes would loosen its ability to monopolise power in China as a whole.
一个理由就是共产党担心允许政治自由在边缘发展,会削弱其在中国独揽大权的能力。 |
One reason is that the Communist Party fears that allowing political freedom to flourish on its fringes would loosen its ability to monopolize power in China as a whole.
一个原因是共产党害怕,一旦允许政治自由在其周边兴起,它对整个中国的独裁会受到削弱。 |
One reason is that the electrical resistance in the corona is typically quite low—too low to account for the explosive rate at which solar flares brighten.
一个理由是日冕中的电阻一般说来是相当低的,低到不足以解释日焰爆发时增亮的程度。 |
One reason is that the unreformed Japanese corporate sector is indifferent to returns to shareholders.
原因之一是,未经改革的日本企业界,依然不把回报股东当一回事。 |
One reason is the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation .
原因之一是年轻一代的上进心增强了。 |
One reason is the sheer number of galaxies in the image, but a more fundamental problem is the intrinsic faintness of some of the galaxies.
原因之一是影像中星系的数目太多,但是更根本的问题在于有些星系实在太过昏暗。 |
One reason is the tragedy of it: Zimbabwe has fallen much further than most African countries, and in a fashion of misrule that many in Africa, especially its leaders, had claimed was over.
原因之一也许是跟大部分非洲国家相比津巴布韦陷得更深,而这一悲剧正是缘于统治者的暴政。 |