By analyzing the reasons for prohibiting stimulants as well as other factors that do harms to the health of the human body and the sustainable development of sports, the authors pointed out that the nature of competitive sports is game playing, and that o
摘要通过对禁用兴奋剂的原因及其它危害人的身体健康和妨碍体育发展诸因素的分析,指出竞技体育的本原是游戏,过度商业化开发和过多的政治性干扰是导致竞技体育偏离游戏轨道的主要原因,竞技体育的未来发展方向应回归游戏本原。 |
By analyzing the reasons why the involution phenomenon appears, we can find out that the main reason why the university can exist and develop lies in its constant adaptation to the society and self-regulation system.
通过分析这些现象,我们可以发现,大学之所以能够存在和发展,最主要的原因在于其不断地适应社会和进行自我调节。 |
By analyzing the reduction pressure action of non complete penetrateel well and stop water heavy curtain, the paper expounded that effect of non complete penetrateel well was better than complete penetrated well and put forword the concept of reduction pr
摘要通过分析非完整井和隔水帷幕的减降作用,得出选用非完整井比完整井效果好的结论,继而引出减降系数的概念。 |
By analyzing the regulations regarding justifiable defense in China's Criminal law, the articles governing special defense right are believed to over-pursue utilitarian gains and these articles cannot effectively prevent unjustifiable defenses.
摘要分析了我国《刑法》有关正当防卫的规定,认为规定特殊防卫权是过分追求功利目标的表现,不能有效规制防卫过当行为。 |
By analyzing the relation between the refractive index and the temperature and the stress field of the optical window in the aero-dynamic environment, according to the thermal-optical effect and the elasto-optical effect, we obtained the relationship of t
摘要首先从热光效应和弹光效应的角度,分析了飞行器在大气层内飞行时,在气动热环境中的材料折射率与温度场和应力场的关系,得出了温度和应力对材料折射率的影响关系式,并进而探索气动光学效应下一步的研究方法。 |
By analyzing the relationship between the fluctuation of quality level and the change of shelf life for the same kind of perishable foods, and studying the self-selection constraint conditions for two customer-groups in the bundling selling model, the pay
系统分析了同种易腐食品货架期变动和质量水平的关系,并通过研究两类消费群在捆绑销售模型下的自选择约束条件,分别给出不考虑货架期情况下零售商采取捆绑销售定价的盈利条件,以及基于货架期情况下实施捆绑销售定价的盈利条件。 |
By analyzing the relevant theories and carrying out field survey, this paper thoroughly explores the development history and status of the higher education of UK, and ponders deeply over the problems that the higher education of UK faces, such as industri
在对英国高等教育理论文献进行梳理和实际考察基础上,通过对英国高等教育发展历史沿革的回顾和现状的分析,对其发展过程中所面临的问题,如“市场化”、“学术上漂”等问题及其产生的原因,进行了较为深入的研究,对中国高等教育的进一步发展具有积极的指导意义。 |
By analyzing the requirements of electronic design, for example, need several type of criterions and techniques, this paper presents the collectivity frame and function model of electronic design resource management system based on distributed component t
摘要文章提出了基于分布式组件技术的电气设计资源管理系统的总体框架和功能模型,开发出一套面向制造企业的电气设计资源管理软件系统。 |
By analyzing the resolution of this conflict of laws, this article affirms the status of international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in international law, and based thereon, explores the significance of NGOs' rules in international law.
本文通过对该法律冲突解决的分析,肯定了非政府间国际组织的国际法地位,并在此基础上,探讨了非政府间国际组织规则的国际法意义。 |
By analyzing the respective characteristic of gravity storm system and pressure storm system through some large-scale public buildings, such as the YOUYOU international square, this essay introduces the superiority and the applicable scope of the pressure
摘要该文结合浦东由由国际广场等多个大型公共建筑,通过比较重力排水系统和虹吸压力流排水系统的各自特点,说明(虹吸)压力流排水系统运用在大型公共建筑中的优势和适用范围。 |
By analyzing the result of survey, we can find that DIN and NH3 in sea area of deep water net-cage culturing is more higher than other sea area, but the pollution is smaller.
摘要通过对箬跳、青山2个深水网箱养殖区的水质状况的调查数据分析发现,养殖海区的无机氮和氨氮含量明显升高,但是深水网箱养殖海区的总体污染状况要比海区小。 |