The scheduler stops whatever process is currently running, suspends it in place, and hands control to another process.
进程表停止当前正在运行的进程,将它置入一个合适的空间里,并且着手控制其他的进程。 |
The scheduler then determines which task should execute next, based on priority and other factors.
这时,调度程序再根据优先权或其他因素决定哪一个任务进入执行。 |
The scheduler transfers a process into the ready-to-run state by assigning it a position in the respective queue of the dispatcher.
调度程序通过在派遣程序的队列中给进程分配一个位置,而把进程转换成为就绪状态. |
The scheduling of appointments is very important in western culture.
约会礼仪是西方文化重要的组成部分。 |
The schema of the database is shown taking the CB513 data set as example.
以CB513样本集为例介绍了该数据库的构建模式。 |
The schema should also have certain characteristics.
这个格式必须有一定的特点。 |
The schematic can provide additional information that may be useful in troubleshooting or repairing any problems in the data system.
原理图可以提供数据系统的故障查找或修理时许多有用的其它信息。 |
The scheme could help stimulate the secondary market.
该计划可以刺激二手市场。 |
The scheme determined the node number of the networks automatically and resulted in an optimal network structure under BIC rule.
该算法权衡网络的规模和精度两方面因素,自动地确定网络的节点数目,可以得到在BIC准则下最优的小波神经网络。 |
The scheme embraces four projects, namely (1) to build up sluices at Anqiu Bridge and Nanzhou Bridge (and the one at Anqiu Bridge is the first choice) so that pollutants can be from entering the lake;2)as a necessary accessory for the above project, to su
该方案由4个工程子系统组成,(1)截污工程:在岸丘桥和南州桥位置各筑一节制闸(而岸丘桥工程又是首选工程),以封住湖泊两头入流,杜绝污染物进入水源地的截污工程;(2)引水工程:是截污工程的配套工程,利用下游长荡湖来补充水量,并对3个引水工程设想进行了系统分析,推荐涵管方案,同时将长荡湖作为该市战略水源地一并纳入保护体系中;(3)湿地生态处理工程:对进入荡区前的芦苇区进行综合整治,发展以芦苇为主的湿地生态处理工程;(4)环湖绿色自然保护带工程:包括建设围湖芦苇荡、环湖林带、绿色食品基地以及污泥处置。 |
The scheme from Southeast University looks like a row of huge bookshelves, on each of which there is Chinese traditional dragon embossment, not only emitting a kind of strong vigor, but also closely complying with topics of the books.
为了将其建成新城标志性的文化建筑,在设计上经过多轮专家论证,进行方案比对,从众多设计方案中挑选出了3个,分别是由东南大学建筑设计研究院送选的3号方案;德国及上海市建筑设计研究院联合送选的5号方案和深圳市建筑设计研究总院送选的2号方案。 |