The thick German carrying spirit with strives constantly forself-improvement the spirit often to lift, if Easy Biographynamelyto be healthy by the day line, the gentleman strives constantly forself-improvementand the topography Yin principle, the gentlema
厚德载物精神与自强不息精神往往对举,如《易传》即以“天行健,君子以自强不息”和“地势坤,君子以厚德载物”来概述天地的精神,强调的是刚柔统一;老子哲学宣扬的也是以柔克刚的精神,等等。 |
The thick alcohol flavor will evaporate after the soaked shrimp is steamed,leaving the shrimp with a light wine fragrance and a unique flavor.
虾米泡酒经加热蒸过,能让浓浓的酒味及酒精挥发,使虾米散发出淡淡酒香及特殊风味。 |
The thick fat, or blubber, under the whale's skin protects the animal against cold waters. It is for the valuable oil in blubber that whale are hunted.
厚厚的脂肪,或者说鲸脂,在鲸鱼的皮下用于保护它,去抵御寒冷的海水。恰恰为了从鲸脂中获得有价值的油,鲸鱼遭到捕猎。 |
The thick fog has caused several bad pile-ups on the motorway.
因大雾弥漫, 高速公路上发生了几起严重的连环撞车事故. |
The thick ice covering Unnamed Lake begins to melt as the spring approaches, when several birds find their paradise upon the lake and in the woods.
春天的脚步踏碎了未名冰封的湖面,小鸟儿却在冰面上、灌木间找到了它们的乐园。 |
The thick mist clouded the mountain-top.
浓雾笼罩着山顶。 |
The thick part of the piston that holds the piston pin is the pin boss.
用来支撑活塞销的活塞厚的部分称为活塞销凸台。 |
The thick soya bean soup a daily necessity in Korea.
满含着浓浓亲情的大酱汤,不愧为每天必备的韩国餐食啊! |
The thickened and spongy appearing myometrial wall of this sectioned uterus is typical of adenomyosis. There is also a small white leiomyoma at the lower left.
在子宫肌壁中出现粗厚和海绵状的团块,这是子宫腺肌病的典型表现。图左下方示一体积较小的白色的平滑肌瘤。 |
The thickened basement membrane (arrow) that results from immune complex deposition in the glomerular capillary loop is prominent in this electron micrograph.
电镜图示,由于免疫复合物沉积在肾小球毛细血管袢中,使基底膜增厚(箭头)。 |
The thickened, cystic lining secretes fluids that create an ideal environment in which bacteria can grow.
增厚、囊肿的内膜会分泌出一些液体,这些液体能为细菌提供一个理想的生长环境。 |