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A copy of the written decree to be issued as law in every province was published to all the peoples so that the Jews would be ready for that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

A copy of the mark and pertinent data from the application are part of this certificate. 该证书含一份商标复印件和申请的相关资料。
A copy of the note, with the seafarer's signature under “received and read”, and the date of signature, is kept by the competent officer. 经海员签署“收到并已阅”字样的该通知副本,连同签字日期,由主管高级船员保存。
A copy of the original bank receipt voucher evidencing payment of the registered capital or working capital. (二)注册资本或者营运资金的银行原始入账凭证的复印件。
A copy of the policy relating to executive officer loans and overdrafts, as adopted by the Board of Directors , is available from the HR Department. 由董事会讨论所采用的文件有关高层主管的借贷及透支相关政策都有一份由人力资源部保存。
A copy of the provisional agenda in enclosed for your information. 随信寄上一份暂定议事的日程安排供参考。
A copy of the written decree to be issued as law in every province was published to all the peoples so that the Jews would be ready for that day to avenge themselves on their enemies. 13这文书经过抄录,颁行各省成为法令,向各族宣示,使犹大人豫备等候那日,在仇敌身上报仇。
A copy of this letter together with the enclosed documents is being sent to our office in New York. 此信连同附带的文件正送往我公司在纽约的办事处。
A copy of your University degree (landscape architecture, planning, architecture or urban design). 毕业证书复印件(景观设计师,规划设计师,建筑设计师或城市规划设计师。
A copycat version of a successful product; a copycat crime. 一个成功产品的仿造物;模仿他人的犯罪
A cord or canvas strap used to secure a furled sail to a yard boom or gaff. 束帆索一种绳子或帆布带,用来把一个卷叠的帆置于一横木或斜桁上
A cord with a hook at one end used to fire a cannon. 拉火绳一头带钩用于为大炮点火的绳索

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