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You can't just sit back and watch while they ruin our country.

You can't judge a book by its cover. 不能根据封面判断一本书。
You can't judge a sports car by the standards you'd use for, say, a Taurus or a minivan. 你不能用你过去的标准来评判一辆跑车,比如一辆福特金牛或一辆小卡车。
You can't judge a tree by its bark. 不要根据树皮判断树木;不能以貌取人。
You can't just barge in there. 你真的不能闯进去那里。
You can't just do whatever you like. What gives you the right to behave like that? If you keep on pushing me too far, I'll quit. 你不能想怎么样就怎么样。谁给你权利这么做的?如果你再继续这样欺人太甚,我就退出。
You can't just sit back and watch while they ruin our country. 当他们在毁灭我们国家之时,你不能不采取行动。
You can't just store the passwords in clear text in your database, and great care must be used when managing the passwords (for example during login). 你不能用文本来储存密码,在管理的时候也要特别小心(比方说在登录的时候)。
You can't just walk out on us like this. 你不能就这样丢下我们不管。
You can't justify neglecting your children. 你无法为忽视孩子而做出合理解释。
You can't keep it for when you need it and you cannot give to someone else simply by having it yourself. 你不能把你放起到需要的时候才用,你也不能因为仅仅自己拥有就可以把它送给别人。
You can't keep up the pretence any longer. 你不能再假装下去了。

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