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We went to a firework display yesterday.

We went to Stanley Park and the aquarium,up Grouse Mountain,and to museums and galleries. 我们去了斯坦利公园和水族馆,登了格罗斯山,参观了博物馆和美术馆。
We went to Vietnam with nothing to offer, with no bargaining chip except our goodwill. 我们到越南,没有好处可以提供,也没有谈判的筹码──除了善意之外。
We went to a concert last night to hear the symphony orchestra. 我们昨天晚上去听交响乐了.
We went to a counselor to smooth the edges off our marriage. 我们找过咨询师试图解决我们婚姻生活中的矛盾。
We went to a fashion show yesterday.I feasted my eyes on the beautiful girls and the novel fashion. 昨天我们去了一场时装表演。美女和标新立异的服装确实让我们大饱眼福。
We went to a firework display yesterday. 我们昨天去看放烟火。
We went to bed late. 我们很晚才上床。
We went to look around the town. 我们去参观这个小镇。
We went to school on foot. 我们走路去学校。
We went to school together. 我们一?上学校。
We went to see a fashion show yesterdy.The beauties and the novel costume design feasted our eyes. 昨天我们去了一场时装表演。美女和标新立异的服装确实让我们大饱眼福。

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