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Israeli troops shot and killed two militants they say belonged to the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which is one of two groups that claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing Monday in the Israeli resort city of Eilat.

Israeli security forces sealed off the occupied West Bank at the beginning of Jewish Passover observances last week, p re venting most Palestinians, except those grant ed special visitors passes, from visiting Jerusalem. 以色列安全部队从上周犹太人开始过逾越节起,就防守在被占据的西岸处,阻挡大部分巴勒斯坦人来访耶路撒冷,能被放行的是那些有着特许通行许可的游客。
Israeli settlers protest during a demonstration outside the Knesset in Jerusalem, 28 March 2005. 3月28日,以色列的犹太人定居者在耶路撒冷以色列议会前举行抗议集会。
Israeli tanks are now on the move as warplanes attack several bridges in central Gaza. 以色列的坦克在对加沙中部的空袭后现在正向前推进。
Israeli troops enforcing a curfew clashed with dozens of young Palestinian stone-throwers Saturday, and a 14-year-old was killed by army fire, doctors said. 医生说:星期六以色列军队闯入非军事区,与数十名手持石块的巴勒斯坦青年发生冲突,并且撃毙一名14岁的少年。
Israeli troops have killed Luay Saadi, a senior Islamic Jihad commander in a shoot-out in the West Bank. 以色列军队在约旦河西岸的交火中打死伊斯兰圣战组织的高级指挥官卢埃·萨阿迪。
Israeli troops shot and killed two militants they say belonged to the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which is one of two groups that claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing Monday in the Israeli resort city of Eilat. 以色列军队开枪射杀两名好战者,据说是阿克萨烈士旅成员,该组织是声称对周一以色列埃拉特市自杀性爆炸事件负责的两组织之一。
Israeli warplanes are in the skies over Lebanon today. 以色列战机今天盘旋在黎巴嫩上空。
Israeli warplanes bombarded a port city in southern Lebanon. 以色列轰炸机轰炸了黎巴嫩南部的一个港口城市。
Israeli-born celebrity psychic Uri Geller, best known for his spoon-bending antics, says the power of the paranormal led U.S. troops to the fugitive Iraqi ex-leader. 以色列通灵人士尤里·盖勒擅长让勺子自行弯曲。他说美国能找到这个逃亡的伊拉克前总统,得益于超自然的力量。
Israelis are voting in parliamentary electio that will in effect decide the future of the West Bank. 以色列选民正在参加议会选举投票,这次选举将决定约旦河西岸的未来。
Israelis are voting in parliamentary elections that will in effect decide the future of the West Bank. 以色列选民正在参加议会选举投票,这次选举将决定约旦河西岸的未来。

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