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She's really very pretty, but too cold and too haughty.

She's real pretty,but I bet she has a boyfriend./Since she started college,all of a sudden she's Miss Glamor. 她真漂亮,但我打赌她已经有男朋友了./她上了大学后,一下子变得很时髦.
She's really a lousy singer. 她的歌喉很差.
She's really buckling down to her new job. 她埋头苦干做新工作.
She's really clued up on politics. 她对政治非常博学多闻。
She's really furious about it. 她对那件事情真是火冒三丈。
She's really very pretty, but too cold and too haughty. 3她固然很漂亮,可就是太冷太傲慢了。
She's regained consciousness, but she's not out of the woods (ie sure to recover) yet. 她已恢复了知觉, 但尚未脱险.
She's regularly looked to for advice. 人家经常征求她的意见。
She's reserved rooms at the Concorde (so we have rooms in Paris for tomorrow). 她已经在协和饭店预订了房间。(那么我们到巴黎就有住处了。)
She's ringing and ringing and ringing the buzzer and, turns out, it was three in the morning, there's only one nurse for the whole floor, and she was on the other end dispensing medication. 她不停的按警报器,但结果是当时正值凌晨三点,整个楼层只有一名护士,而护士正在另一头发放药品。
She's rounded out quite a bit since her illness last year. 她比去年生病的时候丰满多了。

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