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He set his hand on my shoulder.

He set down his load and had a break. 他放下担子休息了一会儿。
He set down the bag and rested for a while. 他放下袋子,休息了一会儿。
He set forth their aims in a speech. 他在一次演说中提出了他们的目标。
He set himself apart from everyone else. 他让自己跟任何人区分开来。
He set his face down this toward Madison Square, for the homing instinct survives even when the home is a park bench. 他沿着这条路面向麦迪逊广场走去,因为回家的本能还存在,即使家是公园里的一条长凳。
He set his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的肩上。
He set his sights on the championship. 他想得冠军。(他的目标是得冠军。
He set his teeth and shivered. 他咬紧牙,颤抖起来。
He set off at a brisk pace, past an empty inn and a few houses. According to a clock on a nearby church, it was almost midnight. 他迈着轻快的脚步走着,经过了一家空荡荡的小酒馆和几所房屋。从附近一座教堂的钟上看,时间差不多已经是午夜了。
He set off in spite of the heavy rain. 尽管下着大雨,他还是出发了。
He set off on a trip to France. 他出发到法国去旅行。

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