Caged Soldier: Gods on high! Save me from this barbarian!
士兵:“诸神在上!请把我从这个野蛮人的手中救出来!” |
Caged Soldier: No please, please!!
士兵:“不,求你了,求你了!” |
Caged Soldier: Please, on your humanity, dont do this!
士兵:“求你了,如果你还有人性,请别这么做!” |
Cagliari President Massimo Cellino has said that he would like to reinforce his squad with the acquisition of Lazio goalkeeper Matteo Sereni.
卡利亚里主席马西莫.塞利诺声明他想得到拉齐奥门将马特奥.塞雷尼以加强自己的阵容。 |
Cagliari midfielder Andrea Capone is sifting through several Serie A offers for next season.
现在以及有几家意甲俱乐部为卡利亚里的中场球员卡波内提出了报价. |
Cagliari president Massimo Cellino admits Inter Milan beat Roma for striker David Suazo yesterday.
卡利亚里主席马西莫·切利诺承认国际米兰击败了罗马,昨日签下戴维·苏亚佐。 |
Cahill DR , Marks SC. Chronology and histology of exfolia2tion and eruption of mandibulars in dogs[J ] . J Morphology ,1982 , 117 :213.
李玉晶,赵宝荣,葛丽华,等.实验用小型猪牙系统解剖的组织学特点[J].中华口腔医学杂志,1993,28(4):234. |
Cahokia Mounds, some 13 km north-east of St Louis, Missouri, is the largest pre-Columbian settlement north of Mexico.
卡俄基亚土丘历史遗址位于密苏里州圣路易斯城东北部约13公里处,这是哥伦布发现美洲前墨西哥以北地区最大的聚居地。 |
Cai Lun was an engineer who was honored by his descendent and was in charge of plant manufacturing, in the court of Eastern Han Dynasty (AD. 25-189).
摘要蔡伦曾主持东汉宫廷器械制造,是一位“为后世法”的工程师。 |
Cai Shaoji, of the first detachment, was born in Xiangshan, Guangdong province. He later became president of Peiyang University, the present-day Tianjin University.
蔡绍基,第一批留美幼童。广东香山人。北洋大学(现天津大学)校长。 |
Cai Yuanpei is a great educationalist in our country. The article tries to explicate Cai Yuanpei's perspective of modern studentin three aspects including presenting the concept, feature.
摘要蔡元培是我国伟大的教育家。本文主要从“现代学生”概念的提出及其特征和培养途径三方面来阐述蔡无培的“现代学生”观。 |