In 1471, Han Yong, Governor of Guangdong &Guangxi, cast iron pillars for the building of a floating bridge over the Guijiang River.
明成化七年(1471年),两广总督韩雍和太监陈平等筹建浮桥用生铁铸造浮桥铁柱,竖在桂江口两边岸上。 |
In 1485 Sao Tome was made a concession of Joao de Paiva.
圣多美和普林西比主要居住着欧洲人和非洲奴隶。 |
In 1485, William Caxton, the first English printer, said that this round table was King Arthur's.
1485年,英国第一位印刷业者威廉卡克斯顿,声称这张圆桌就是亚瑟王的圆桌。 |
In 1492 (Old Style calendar; October 21st New Style), Christopher Columbus arrived with his expedition in the present-day Bahamas.
1492年的今天(旧历10月12日;新历10月21日),克里斯托弗?哥伦布同他的远征队到达现在的巴哈马。 |
In 1492, Columbus sailed from Spain with 3 ships.
1492年,哥伦布带着三艘船从西班牙起航。 |
In 1493, 2000 Jewish children were taken to Sao Tome to populate the islands.
圣多美和普林西比过去一直是葡萄牙殖民地。 |
In 1495, Leonardo Da Vinci began painting the Last Supper on the wall of the refectory (dining hall) of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy, and completed it in 1498.
李奥纳多达文西于西元1495年在义大利米兰葛拉吉埃修道院的食堂墙上开始绘画「最后的晚餐」,而完成于西元1498年。 |
In 1500 B.C. in Egypt a shaved head was co idered the ultimate in feminine beauty.
公元前1500年的埃及,剃光头被认为是女性美的极致。 |
In 1500 B.C. in Egypt a shaved head was considered the ultimate in feminine beauty.
公元前1500年的埃及,剃光头被认为是女性美的极致。 |
In 1509, England's King Henry the Eighth married Catherine of Aragon.
1509年的今天,英国国王亨利八世和西班牙阿拉贡的凯瑟琳结婚。 |
In 1515, when he was 85, he painted a piece of silent poetry that many consider his masterpiece: “Lady with a Mirror” (a detail from which is shown above).
他在85岁那年(1515年)完成了被认为是杰作的“执镜仕女”(详细见上图)就像一首无声的诗。 |