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The questions will usually begin before our tickets have been checked and after I answer the first three the interrogator will alert the other passengers to the fact that I speak Chinese.

The questions marked with * do not have to be answered by family members of EU or EEA citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant). 欧盟或欧洲经济区国家公民的家属(配偶,子女或有赡养关系的直系系属)不必填写带有*的项。
The questions of food and medicine safety that Rose mentions is a major incident relating to people's life safety. 闾丘谈的食品以及药品安全问题,是关乎到人民生命安全的大事。
The questions raised after my lecture marvel me a lot and denote that students at NUT have independent thinking and personal perspective. 演讲后,台南师範大学同学所提出的问题著实令我惊喜,这些问题透露出同学已具有独立思考能力与个人观点。
The questions range from the age when applicants first got excited about computers to whether they have ever tutored or ever established a nonprofit organization. 这些问题涉及范围很广,从应聘者第一次体验电脑的神奇是什么时候,到他们是否领导(注2)或者建立过非盈利组织。
The questions set forth in the training section should be answered to the satisfaction of all involved. 这些在培训中的问题都应在各有关部门达到满意的回答。
The questions will usually begin before our tickets have been checked and after I answer the first three the interrogator will alert the other passengers to the fact that I speak Chinese. 这些问题通常在验票之前就开始了,在我回答了头三个问题之后,讯问者就会提醒其他乘客注意我会讲中文的事实。
The queue entries also have indicators that indicate whether or not a starting or final data word of an instruction sequence is contained in the queue entry and if so, an offset indicating the particular starting or final data word. 在伫列中的单元亦有指示器指明是否包含一个指令串的开头或结尾,并有相关的位移值指明此一指令串的开头或结束位置。
The queues snaked around the airport and back to where they had started. 排队的人龙环着机场回到了起点处.
The quick and skilful youngster has been named in the Brazil squad for the Copa America tournament in Venezuela next month. 这位快速和技术优秀的年轻球员入选了下个月巴西的委内瑞拉美洲杯阵容。
The quick brown fox jumps oyer a lazy dog. 快速的棕色狐狸跳过一条懒狗。
The quick determination technologies of chemical oxygen demand (COD) are summarized, and the applications of them are introduced. 摘要文章介绍了化学需氧量(COD)的快速测定技术,以及在实际水质监测中的应用。

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