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I took sides with him in the dispute.

I took out my cigarette tremblingly and smoked I smoked one pack of cigarettes every day, and after drinking I always make trouble. 我用颤抖的双手拿出一支烟叼在嘴上:“我每天要抽一包烟,一喝酒就闹事。”
I took out my knife, opened it, wiped off the blade and pared off the dirty outside surface of the cheese. 我拿出小刀,打开来,揩揩刀口,刮掉干酪肮脏的表皮。
I took part in one negotiation with one French company for exploration the reserve of nature gas whose storage is equal to the total wastage of Europe Union in Inner Mongolia. 我曾经参与了与一法国公司的合作事项-合作研究开发位于内蒙古的拥有相当于欧盟2000年天然气一半的消耗量天然气田。
I took part in the intervarsity debate on abortion. 我参与了大学校际的堕胎问题辩论会。
I took part in the sports meet. 我参加了运动会。
I took sides with him in the dispute. 在那次争辩中我支持他。
I took some pills, and now my headache is gone. 我吃了一些药,现在我的头痛好了。
I took ten rolls of film in Japan. 我在日本拍掉十?底片。
I took that short spear and a double hook spear head from Xiaoliu yesterday.It's not that in last week and taken by one of my friends. 我昨天从小刘那拿了那把短矛和一个有双钩的矛头,不是上周的那个,那一个是我一个朋友拿了。
I took the car from Dong guan. 我是从东莞坐该车过来的。
I took the children on a walk in the woods and, after two hours, I managed to corral a slow ladybug into my son's i ect cage. 我带孩子们到小树林里去散步,两个小时后,我好不容易才逮住一个迟钝的瓢虫放进我儿子的虫笼里。

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