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Why doesn't a linguistical relationship exist between any native American language and ancient Egyptian or Hebrew?

Why does this exception occur in servers? 为什么这个异常会在服务器中触发?
Why does this growth happen? Most of it results from internal migration rather than the international movement of people, and is caused by a variety of push and pull factors. 为什么会有这种增长呢?大多数增长是由国内的人口流动造成的而不是国际间的人口迁移。这是由多种推动因素造成的。
Why does vodka have a neutral flavor? 伏特加为什么会有中性的味道?
Why does your company have such a rapid turnover of staff? 贵公司人员变动为什麽这麽快?
Why does your company want to develop a print processor? 具体的用途他们也没说,但是他们是个做企业打印解决方案的公司。
Why doesn't a linguistical relationship exist between any native American language and ancient Egyptian or Hebrew? 为什麽没有任何语言学上的关系存在于原生美洲语系和古埃及或古希伯来文之间?
Why doesn't a single Arab or Muslim country have a permanent seat? 为什么没有一个阿拉伯或穆斯林国家有一个永久席位?
Why doesn't he get rid of that old coat? 为什么他不处理掉那件旧外套?
Why doesn't he use a ballpoint, or at least a fountain pen? 他为什么不用圆珠笔,至少是自来水笔?
Why doesn't it arouse great fervor and motivation for following through to that moment of Joining? 「为什麽到达结合那一刻之前的过程丝毫引不起任何的激情与动机?」
Why doesn't it happen overnight? 在前一夜它为什么不发生?

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