At a memorial service today in Charleston South Carolina, thousands turned down to mourn nine fire fighters killed in a warehouse fire.
在今天于南卡罗来纳的查尔斯顿举行的追悼会上,数千名前来哀悼在一次抢扑仓库火灾中牺牲的九名救火人员。 |
At a memorial service today in Charleston, South Carolina, thousands turned out to mourn nine firefighters killed in a warehouse fire.
在南西弗吉尼亚州的查尔斯顿,上千人参加了今天的悼念仪式,纪念在仓库大火中牺牲的9名消防员。 |
At a minimum, team members should understand referential integrity and database security, and have a good grasp on the various technologies and data formats used to transfer data between the user and the database.
团队成员应该理解引用完整性和数据库安全性,并且在用户和数据库之间,能够很好的领会不同种的技术和用于传输的数据格式。 |
At a minimum[2] , treat yourself to a yearly tune-up[3] .
至少,你应该每年进行一次自我调节。 |
At a moment when nationalistic claims and counter-claims are resounding over the ice-floes, the region's intractability still forces its would-be conquerors to rub along.
当有朝一日国家主义的主张或反诉回漾在冰川之上时,这一地区问题的刺手性仍将迫使那些自诩的征服者们勉强共处。 |
At a national teleconference on physical education, Chen Zhili asked schools to make sure students have at least one hour of quality PE per day and to reduce the amount of homework set.
最近一份政府通知指出,中国学生的健康素质正由于沉重的学习负担、缺少睡眠和体育锻炼而在不断的恶化中。 |
At a nearby hotel one of the doormen buttons Porter's top shirt button and slips on his clip-on tie.
附近一家旅馆的门卫替他扣上衬衣最上面一粒纽扣,戴上用别针别上的领带。 |
At a net level including restructuring and interest costs, the airline industry is forecast by Iata to return to profit in 2007 for the first time since 2000, ending six successive years of losses.
国际航空运输协会预计,按照计入重组和利息成本的净利润来衡量,2007年全球航空业将实现自2000年以来的首次扭亏为盈,结束持续6年的亏损局面。 |
At a news conference with Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso, Rice reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to Tokyo and the region.
在与日本外相麻生太郎共同召开的新闻发布会上,赖斯重申美国对日本和该地区的承诺。 |
At a news conference, he took questions from Chinese reporters about Michael Jordan, the Lakers and the complexities of the NBA.
在一次新闻发布会上,科比回答了中国记者关于迈克尔乔丹,湖人队以及NBA的问题。 |
At a palace festival, the young prince sat down under a tree and was soon lost in meditation.?
在一个宫延的节日上,年轻的王子坐在一棵树上,很快沉湎于冥想之中。 |