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The erosion and gradual disappearance of the printed image from the plate during the run.

The erection of socialistic humiliation and glory concept that eight honors and disgracesas main content, is a radical matter of building socialistic harmonious society, is the perfect combination of Chinese traditional virtue and the times spirit, is the 摘要以“八荣八耻”为核心内容的社会主义荣辱观的树立,是构建社会主义和谐社会的一个带有根本性的问题,是中国传统美德和时代精神的完美结合,是马克思主义世界观、人生观和价值观的生动体现。
The erection of the building took several months. 建造这座建筑物花了好几个月时间。
The ergonomically shaped backrest moving structure design does more suit somatology and offer best massage efficiency.Automatic body scanning technology effectively adjusts massage positions Delicate massage presents humanistic and overall massage enjoyme 靠背行走机构自动适应人体曲线,更符合人体工程学,使按摩效果更佳;动作细腻,集中了类似于人手的“地毯式”按摩手法;背部按摩机构,可在颈肩背腰部上下行走,能完成“揉捏”、“捶击”、“同步”、“指压”等模式按摩;按摩机构的速度和宽度可自由调节;可有效消除肌肉疼痛,促进血液循环;下半身全气囊“波浪式”按摩;上半身四种自动程序的选择(全程、肩部、背部、腰部);小脚座有5档伸缩功能。
The ergonomics of the new office were felt to be optimal. 新办公室工效设计因素感觉十分理想
The ermine toque was alone; she smiled more brightly than ever. 只有貂皮无沿帽独自呆在那里,她笑得更加明快了。
The erosion and gradual disappearance of the printed image from the plate during the run. 中义印版印纹在印刷过程中逐渐消失或磨损的过程。
The erosion hazard applies particularly to sloping lands, which are widespread and occupy a large area in Asia. 对坡地来说,土壤侵蚀尤为严重,而在亚洲坡地普遍存在而且面积很大。
The erosion of public funding, it says, has resulted in a “mismatch between need and provision”, with per capita spending in urban areas 3.5 times that in rural areas. 报告称,公共资金被侵蚀,已导致“需求和供给之间的错配”,城市人均支出是农村地区的3.5倍。
The erosion of the coastline by the sea was ignored by people. 海水对海岸的冲刷被人们忽视了。
The erosion of the mucosa by the stool in the diverticula can produce inflammation and hemorrhage. 大便刺激憩室肠侵蚀的粘膜产生炎症和出血。
The erratic information flow is not entirely the fault of top officials. 信息传播的偏差并不完全是上级官员的过错。

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