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A better way is to accumulate the words through extensive reading.

A better knowledge of China's civilization would lay open to us an empire of learning, hitherto fabulously described. 译文:我们首先应考虑的是,坚持美国国内各种因素之间、各个部分之间的相互依赖关系——即承认体现传统的和永远重要的美国开拓精神。
A better method is to use purchasing-power parities (PPP), which take account of price differences. 一种更好的方法是以购买力平价(PPP)计算,它考虑到了价格差异。
A better option would be to introduce an amnesty system on undocumented migrants and address the causes why they runaway. 更好的方式应该是建立非法移工的特赦制度,以及正视他们逃跑的原因加以解决。
A better positive hybrid effect of fibers is found on concrete component wrapped layer by layer with Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). 摘要碳纤维与玻璃纤维进行层间混杂后用来进行混凝土结构的加固,可以产生较好的正向混杂效应。
A better understanding of follicular dynamics and its regulation is of great importance both for the improvement of animal reproductive productivity and birth control in human beings. 摘要了解卵泡发育动态及其调控机理对于提高动物繁殖率和控制人类生育,都具有重要的意义。
A better way is to accumulate the words through extensive reading. 建议大家不要只去背字典,而应该通过大量的阅读来积累单词。
A better way is to write the main ideas and some of the key words and phrases and then improvise. 好的方法是把主要观点和一些要点词和短语写下来,然后即兴发挥。
A beverage typically made of fermented honey and water; mead. 蜂蜜酒主要用发酵的蜂蜜和水酿成的酒;蜜酒
A beverage, such as soda water or ginger ale, used in diluting alcoholic drinks. 调酒饮料一种饮料,如苏打水或姜汁啤酒,用以冲淡酒精饮料
A bewitching smile can stop a heart breaking. 我给你一个迷人的微笑.
A beyond-mortal representative from the Night Elves, the Prophet is a uniquely styled fighter. 先知,夜精灵一族中超脱不朽的象徵,具有独特风格的斗士。

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