On Sunday the government offered rewards of up to a million euros ($1.36 million) for help in tracking down arsonists who it suggests have played a major role in Greece's worst forest fires in decades.
周日政府悬赏最高达100万欧元(136万美元)缉拿纵火者的措施,在希腊10年来最严重的森林大火中发挥了重大作用. |
On Sunday the ostrich saw a girl walking in the park. He loved her at once.
星期天,鸵鸟看见一个女孩在公园中漫步,他立刻爱上了她。 |
On Sunday we had a cruise on the Seine river. It was a round trip, both beginning and ending were under Eiffel Tower.
星期天乘船去游览塞纳河。旅程是一个环线,起点和终点都在艾菲尔铁塔下。 |
On Sunday, China and Chad have re-established diplomatic relations after the Central African nation agreed to sever ties with Taiwan.
非洲中部国家乍得同意和台湾断绝关系之后,中国和乍得星期天重新建立了外交关系。 |
On Sunday, Mr Wen visited Bangalore, where he urged closer ties in the fields of science and technology.
星期天,温家宝参观了班加罗尔,在这里他敦促中印在科学和技术领域进行更加紧密的合作。 |
On Sunday, NATO said its forces along with Afghan troops had forced Taleban insurgents out of Panjwai district after a two-week offensive code-named Operation Medusa.
星期天,北约官员说,在长达两个星期的代号“美杜莎”的行动中,北约部队连同阿富汗部队已经将塔利班反叛分子驱逐出本杰瓦尔地区。 |
On Sunday, several hundred engineers and scientists will gather at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and await the end of the Galileo spacecraft in a suicide plunge into Jupiter's dense atmosphere.
周日,数百名工程师和科学家,将聚集在加利福尼亚州的帕沙德纳的喷气推进实验室,静候伽利略号航天飞机自杀性插入木星周围稠密大气层的结局。 |
On Sunday, the Saudi foreign minister personally urged President Bush to intervene to stop the violence in Lebanon, the most direct sign of mounting frustration among key Arab states with what they see as a hands-off U.S. posture toward Israeli strikes ag
星期日,沙特外交部长敦促美总统布什斡旋中东以阻止黎巴嫩暴力冲突,这种表态最直接地反映了主要阿拉伯国家的沮丧情绪正由于美国对以色列打击真主党袖手旁观而日益增加。 |
On Sunday, while I was receiving calls on The Talk of the Town,your tenant, Scott McNicholas, called and told us that his aprtment has been without heat for nearly one week.
这个星期日,当我正在接城市话题节目的听众来电时,你的房客史考特·麦克·尼古拉斯打来电话来告诉我们,他的房子已经将近一个星期没有暖气了。 |
On Sundays I like to sleep late.
星期天我爱睡懒觉. |
On Sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast.
星期天,他的女房东不但供给早餐,还供给晚餐。 |