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Nor any of my 3)folk.

Nope. 没有。
Nope. To hell with the breakfast. 不啦,吃早点干什么呀。
Nope. What communism teach us is just to abandon our own culture and to advocate so-called cosmopolitanism. In this respect Taiwan indeed is more traditional than Mainland. 不,共产主义教我们做的除了抛弃自己的文化就是提倡所谓的世界主义四海一家。台湾在这方面的确比大陆更传统。
Nor I beheld aught, Without light or guide, save that which burned in my heart. 快活斯夜,秘而不宣,人渺物空,没有光明,也无向导,只有那燃烧的心事。
Nor am I aware that anyone else knows the secret. 我也不知道别人谁还能知道这个秘密。
Nor any of my 3)folk. 我的亲人也不会挨饿。
Nor are metal detectors the only magic to be deployed. 金属探测器并不是在林区使用的唯一魔法。
Nor are scandals likely to help. 它也同样无法避免丑闻。
Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. 35不可指着地起誓,因为地是他的脚凳。也不可指着耶路撒冷起誓,因为耶路撒冷是大君的京城。
Nor can I blame them. They live in a brutal economy. 但我也不能责怪他们,因为他们生活在残酷的经济时代。
Nor can aircraft fuel be swapped for a green alternative. 飞机燃料也无法替换为其他绿色环保的替代品。

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