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A bushy clump, as of ivy.

A bus conductor.. 汽车售票员.
A bus driver for a Plug and Play bus has the ability to enumerate its bus by scanning all possible slots at start-up time. 对于即插即用总线的一个总线驱动有能力在启动的时候通过扫描所有可能的端口来列举它的总线。
A bus is slow! I don't want to go by bus! 公共汽车慢,我不想坐公共汽车去。
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station… what more can I say…? 巴士站是停巴士的地方;火车站是火车停的地方;在我的座上有个工作站…我该说什麽?
A bus station; a bus tour. 公共汽车站;乘公共汽车游览
A bushy clump, as of ivy. 簇灌林丛,如常青藤
A busine lunch where food is an afterthought to inte e dealmaking and negotiation. 在工作午餐上,忙于紧张的交易和谈判而顾不上吃饭。
A busine with many credit customers would set up the general ledger Accounts Receivable account for all credit customers and a separate account for each credit customer. 有很多赊购客户的企业应设置一个应收帐款总分类帐户,登记所有赊购客户欠的货款,并为每个赊购客户设置一个明细帐户。
A business actor represents a role played in relation to the business by someone or something in the business environment. 业务主角代表了与业务有关的角色,此角色由业务环境中的某个人或物来担任。
A business can be organized in one of the three major forms— sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. 企业的组织形式主要有三种:独资、合伙、股份公司。
A business can grow in four directions. 一个企业可以在4个方向增长。

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