Housewives may well complain about their daily routine.
主妇们大可抱怨她们每天一成不变的家务事。 |
Housewives usually cook meals and keep the house tidy.
家庭主妇一般做饭烧菜和整理家务。 |
Housewives were bustling in and out.
家庭主妇们正忙碌著进进出出。 |
Housewives were softened up with free gifts before the salesmen began the hard talking.
推销员先用赠品打动家庭妇女的心, 接著就开始直截了当的兜售了. |
Housewives were softened up with free gifts before the salesmen began the hard talking.
推销员先用赠品打动家庭妇女的心,接著就开始直截了当的兜售了. |
Housewives would like to get up early and go to the morning market for fresh vegetables and meat.
家庭主妇喜欢早起到头市购买新鲜的蔬菜和肉类。 |
Housewives, afraid of running short, have bought up all the sugar in the shops.
家庭主妇们担心缺糖,买光了商店里的糖。 |
Housework is facilitated with the advent of modern inventions.
41随着现代化发明的出现简化了家务事. |
Housework is low on her list of priorities.
在她那些非做不可的事情中, 家务活并不重要. |
Housework is no longer regarded as women's.
家务事不再被认为是妇女的专职。 |
Housework is usually done by my mother.
家务活通常由我妈妈来做。 |